Tag: Love of God

  • Love Never Ends

    (1 Corinthians 13:8-12) Everything pertaining to this world and this life are temporary. Even the earth, sun, stars and the universe are only temporary. Everything we can see, everything we know will not last. Except for God's love. Only love is eternal and only God's love never ends. His love goes on forever and ever…

  • What Is Love?

    (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) Of all the questions mankind has asked, from poets to philosophers, academics to artists, this is perhaps the most profound and mysterious of all: what is love? Love is so fundamental to the human condition that it forms part of our DNA. It is part of our nature to seek, hope for…

  • Power Of Love

    (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) Over my last few posts I have discussed the ministry gifts and spiritual gifts that are given to both individuals and to the church. These gifts are given for the purpose of building up either the individual or the church body as a whole. The spiritual gifts are very important. They are…

  • Love: The Great Commandment

    (Romans 13:8-10) What is the ultimate expression of the faith and beliefs of a Christian? Is it good works? Is it giving a helping hand when needed? Is it showing our faith is real through the things we do, our behaviours and where we stand when the going gets tough? Well, all of these things…

  • God’s Mercy

    (Romans 11:28-36) It is the will of God that He show mercy to all mankind. God is love and because He is love, He shows true and complete love and He will be absolutely merciful to all mankind if they will seek Him out. There are many people in the world today who make this…

  • Knowledge

    (Romans 10:14-17) Do you want to be stronger in your faith? Do you want to stand in the faith with the strength that Abraham had when he was prepared to sacrifice his son and heir but fully convinced that God would provide a solution when he was tested? The faith that we Christians hold as…

  • If God Is For Us

    (Romans 8:31-32) When I was a little kid there were times when I wished I had an older brother who would step in and protect in those situations I would get into scrapes with other kids. It didn’t happen often but sometimes I used to wish I could say, “I’m getting my big brother!” And…

  • Wages Of Sin

    (Romans 6:23) There are a few scriptures in the bible that are so well known that they have moved into common usage amongst both Christians and non-Christians alike. This verse is one of those which says, For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus…

  • Greatest Gift Of All

    (Romans 5:6-8) What is the greatest gift of all? Well a really great gift is when you get something that you need or want without asking for it. But even better than that is when you are given a gift that you need AND you don’t deserve it. But the greatest gift of all is…

  • Hope, Love and the Holy Spirit

    (Romans 5:5) Here we see a link between these three and how they interact to help us as Christians to grow. This verse reads: “…and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” In the previous couple…

  • Access To Grace

    (Romans 5:2) The words of that most famous of hymns begin saying, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…” And grace is truly amazing. It is by grace that we have access to all the gifts and promises of God promised through the writings and words of His prophets, disciples, apostles and of course Jesus Christ…

  • A Merciful God

    (Acts 20:1-12) There are many non-Christians who would like to paint God as being harsh, vindictive and one who metes out punishment for the smallest thing. They ask how could we Christians worship such a God and cite many of the harsh acts of judgement and the laws in the Old Testament as examples to…