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With the number of divisions and splits in the Church over the past centuries, most of which have to do with doctrine and forms of worship, it is hard to know what the true Church should look like.
The biggest challenge of all is trying to sift through the mountains of false doctrine that has infiltrated the modern Churches causing them to look completely different to what the original Church was like in the beginning.
The Church is meant to be the Bride of Christ. It is meant to be perfect, righteous, holy, and without blemish, unstained from the world, and the evil ways of the devil.
But is it? In fact in the book of Revelation, John wrote about the Church of Sardis saying, “You have the name of being alive, and you are dead.” (Revelation 3:1) Unfortunately, this could be a description of some sections of the Church today.
In this book, I examine the patterns laid down for what the Church SHOULD be like, expose some of the false teachings that have penetrated deep into the Church and the consciences of Christians, and give instruction on what to do about it.
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Should Christians Tithe? This is a question that has bothered many people in the church today. Some say it is absolutely essential while others are utterly opposed to the practice of tithing in the modern Christian church.
This book looks at and answers this troubling question by taking an evidence-based approach from the scriptures, both Old and New Testaments.
And the answers may surprise many in the church because the issue of tithing in the church is much deeper than just financial related issues. There are many significant impacts for the church that must be considered before anyone chooses to tithe or not to tithe.
The aim is to dispel all of the arguments and myths about tithing using the scriptures in context only.
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Is it possible to stand righteous before God?
The Bible tells us that the whole world is born under the power of sin, and you need only watch the daily news to see that it is so. Indeed most Christians believe that they are under the power of sin, and so the idea of being righteous before God seems impossible.
But the problem is that people think they have to become righteous as if it depends on something they can do to be righteous. They think that if they can do some great work or keep the laws of God, they can be righteous in the sight of God.
But…what if God says you’re righteous? What if righteousness can be given to an individual as a gift from God?
Well, that’s what the Bible teaches and it is a clear and consistent message across the pages of the New Testament.
You can be righteous and stand righteous before God. It is not only possible, but it is also essential as part of the walk towards eternity and the kingdom of God for those who have faith.
This book will dispel the lies and myths that surround this topic.
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What are the foundational teachings of Christianity? They may not be what you think they are.
The Bible tells us there are six critical foundations that form the basis of Christianity. These should be understood by every Christian, but many do not. They may know the words and what the foundations are, but are lacking a deep understanding of these things.
This book is aimed at overcoming that lack. It is meant to provide an insight into the foundations that underpin Christianity so that every Christian has a solid grounding and they are deeply rooted in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These are the first principles of God’s word and every Christian needs to understand and take hold of them to stand firm in these evil times.
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God has a plan! I am sure as a Christian you have heard that many times. In fact, God has many plans. But what is His plan for man?
The fascinating thing is that God WANTS you to know His plans for this whole Creation. He has detailed it in the Bible for any to find if they will seek it out.
What is fascinating about His plan is that some parts of it fly in the face of conventional wisdom.
This eBook is intended to open up some of the details of God’s plan for this creation, and more importantly what God is doing with mankind. It may surprise you what the Bible says!
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Do you want to change your life in powerful ways? Do you want to be successful at living a good life, and I am not talking about making big bucks to do it? Then the insights in this book will guide you to that success because they are all about “Changing You.”
Change begins within each person as an individual. And when you change within, it promotes change around you. Your world will change because YOU have changed.
It’s not magic and you don’t need a degree in psychology to make changes that will affect your world. But the impact of changing yourself and building a foundation for a better life through simple changes will be profound.
This book looks at a balanced approach to “changing you” across five critical dimensions: personal, relationships, business, financial and spiritual balance. Excessive focus in any one of these key life areas to the exclusion of the others will not achieve balance.
“Changing You” offers simple life strategies to finding a work-life balance to aid you in how to live a good life.
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There are many doctrines in the Church today that have been accepted broadly for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The doctrine of trinity is one of those.
However, there are many people who do not accept this doctrine, and there are others like it. If two groups of Christians take diametrically opposed points of view on a doctrine as important as the nature of God, which goes directly to who we hold our faith in, then it should be examined to identify which side of the debate is accurate.
Jesus encouraged us to find and follow the truth. But if two people hold opinions about a doctrine that are in opposition to each other, then one of them is wrong. One of them is not following the truth.
All Christians need to dig deep into the word, which is the source of truth we have been given by God, to find out for themselves. This eBook is my understanding of the doctrine of trinity based upon what is written in scripture and my personal investigations.
And it is a shocking discovery! So, hold on to your seats and be prepared to see things you may never have realised about this doctrine.
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