Tag: Freedom
Sold Under Sin
(Romans 7:13-20) They abolished slavery several hundred years ago. At least they did in most western civilisations and those civilisations where rulers had compassion for their people. And this is a good thing. But despite that fact we are all slaves. Every person on this earth is in the bondage of a slavery like no…
Obedient Slaves
(Romans 6:15-22) In my last few posts I have looked at the prime focus of the death of Jesus and the purpose of His shed blood. That purpose was to set man free from sin and to release man from the power of sin, which is bondage to the law. It is by baptism into…
Greatest Gift Of All
(Romans 5:6-8) What is the greatest gift of all? Well a really great gift is when you get something that you need or want without asking for it. But even better than that is when you are given a gift that you need AND you don’t deserve it. But the greatest gift of all is…
Free Gift From God
(Romans 4:1-5) There is a chorus we sing in church on a regular basis which goes like this: For from Him and to Him and through Him are all things… The chorus was written around the words in Romans 11:36, but if ever a piece of scripture bore out those words it is this section…
A Way Of Escape
(Acts 25:1-12) One of the promises of The Lord is that He will give us a protection that is not afforded to the people of the world. When the people of the world get into trouble they do not have a safety net to catch them if they fall. But The Lord is the safety…
No Prison Could Hold Them
(Acts 16:25-40) Paul and Silas were thrown into prison and beaten wrongfully for their testimony and casting out the demon that had bound the life of a slave girl. This was a vindictive, spiteful and hateful act against these two men who had done good. And why was it done? Because the owners of the…
Keeping the Law of Moses
(Acts 15:1-5) Here we see one of the stark contrasts between the teachings of the old covenant and the new covenant and as it says in verse 2 of this chapter, it caused a great argument and “No small dissension” between the two opposed groups. There were some men, and I must point out here…
The Conversion of Saul
(Acts 9:1-9) One of the most amazing events in the book of Acts was the transformation that took place in the life of Saul who became the apostle Paul. The mechanism of his conversion was so amazing hat it is no wonder he was rocked to the very core and spun about one hundred and…
Jesus Could Not Be Held By Death
(Acts 2:22-24) Jesus died at Calvary. We all know that. We also know that He was resurrected from the dead three days after He had been put to death because Jesus could not be held by death. But why? What was the reason why He could not be held by death? And also is there…
You Can’t Go Back – Part 1
(John 21:1-14) This will be a two part post to cover this message. It is a lesson I have learned again just recently and it is one that many Christians are unaware of how serious a matter it is. You can't go back when you come to The Lord. You must continue to push forward.…
What is Truth?
(John 18:33-40) This is a question that was posed some 2,000 years ago by Pontius Pilate when Jesus was brought before him. Pilate had asked Jesus some questions about whether He was a king, and Jesus replied in verse 37 saying, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for…
Jesus Is The Way
(John 14:4-7) The Bible tells us that Jesus is the way to eternal life and salvation. He said in this scripture that, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” So this makes it pretty clear that if we want to find the road to eternity, we need to recognise that Jesus is…