Tag: Gifts

  • The Holy Spirit

    (John 14:15-17) Jesus tells the disciples that they will be given the gift of the Holy Spirit in this section of scripture. Over the next few chapters of John He begins to show different aspects of the Holy Spirit. He shows things about the nature of the Holy Spirit, how we receive it, who sends…

  • Gifts of God

    (John 14:12-14 – Gifts of God) Is there any limit to what God can and will do for His people? Is there anything that He will not give His people if they ask for it? No. There is no limit to the love and generosity of the Lord. The gifts of God that He gives…

  • Receiving God

    (John 13:19-20) We have a great responsibility as servants and representatives of the Lord. This scripture hints at this for when we represent Jesus we are also representing the Father to those to whom we speak. Given that, all aspects of what we both say and do need to be representative of the life that…

  • Giving For Jesus

    (John 12:1-8) There is an interesting story in the gospels of a woman who anoints Jesus feet with pure nard, a costly perfumed ointment. In this story there are several attitudes and matters that we can learn from which help us understand the heart of the Lord. It goes to the heart of what and…

  • No Comparison

    (John 5:43-47) What are you looking for? Most people look for some kind of recognition in some way or another. They want to receive accolades, reward, applause, acclaim or something that highlights their achievements. And they don't want this recognition from just anyone, they seek it from their peers or the people they respect. It's…

  • Jesus Knew What Was in Man

    (John 2:23-25) Whom should you trust? Who can you trust and know that you will be OK in all situations? Until you really know a person it is not wise to entrust yourself to them as people will take advantage of others if they have the opportunity. In this section of scripture we see that…

  • Do You Give Expecting to Get?

    Do you give expecting to get rather than learning to give expecting nothing in return?

  • Ask and It Will Be Given You

    (Luke 11:9-13) Do you know how to get what you want? Do you know how to find what you are seeking? Strangely, many people seem not to know these simple things, and that is a problem, especially in relation to their walk with Christ. Ask and it Will be Given If you want something, you…

  • The Measure You Give Will Be The Measure You Get Back

    The measure you give will be the measure you get back is an interesting concept put forward by the Lord in the Bible. It is a complete reversal to the way the world works. Read it now to see more.

  • The Christian Value Proposition

    (Mark 8:34-38) Yesterday I wrote about what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his life. Overnight I felt there was more that needed to be said, especially in relation to the second question Jesus posed. He said, “What can a man give in return for his life?” (Verse…

  • Anointing of Jesus

    (Matthew 26:6-13) There are a few principles we can learn from this section of scripture where we see the anointing of Jesus by this woman. We see here a woman came to Jesus while he was in the house of Simon the leper and anointed him with a flask of very expensive ointment. The disciples…