Tag: Truth

  • Pray For Perfection

    (2 Corinthians 13:9-14) It is a common thing among Christians to think less of themselves than they should. By this I mean that many Christians seem to be constantly aware of sin and sinning and a great many live in guilt and self-condemnation. But here we see an interesting comment from Paul that shows a…

  • Examine Your Faith

    (2 Corinthians 13:5-8) When you went to school, (or if you are still attending), there were always tests and examinations to ensure you were competent in the subject being studied. I am sure we all groaned about the litany of pop quizzes, tests and exams when they came along, but they were being done for…

  • A Different Gospel

    (2 Corinthians 11:1-4) I travel a lot each year, often going into distant cities as well as the remote towns and communities of outback Australia. In my travels I have often visited churches and listened to the messages being preached in those churches. Some of these have been small country churches with just a handful…

  • Polarised By Jesus Christ

    (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) This scripture clearly tells us that this whole world has been and continues to be polarised by Jesus Christ. It was because Jesus came that a line in the sand was drawn separating people clearly into two camps: the good and the evil. No other person ever had such an impact on…

  • What Is Holding You Back

    (2 Corinthians 6:11-13) What is holding you back? Are you seeking to be a “better Christian” but can’t seem to achieve what you are looking for? And do you really know what it is you are actually looking for as a Christian? Many people have an ideal in their mind as to what it means…

  • Faultless Ministry

    (2 Corinthians 6:3-10) Those of us who teach and preach the word of God need to listen very carefully to the words in this section of scripture. Our work is ministry and ministering to the spiritual needs of those we come into contact with. Our work is to feed people with spiritual food so as…

  • Your Point of View

    (2 Corinthians 5:16) Point of view is a powerful thing. Every person on earth assembles their knowledge of what is happening around them according to a unique and individual point of view. Our unique points of view are being molded from the day we are born, and often take a long time to become fully…

  • We Walk By Faith Not By Sight

    (2 Corinthians 5:6-7) There is a blindness on the people of this world that causes them not to see the truth of God. They demand proof that can be seen and measured scientifically before they will accept the truth of any matter. They say that “Seeing is believing.” But in Christ we learn the opposite…

  • Problems With Trinity

    (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) These verses teach us many things and one of the most important is about the nature of the person of God. There is a foundational truth in these few verses that goes deep into the heart of what we as Christians believe. Who is God? More specifically who is the God worshipped…

  • The Gospel For Free

    (1 Corinthians 9:1-18) Do you like to get things for free? No cost, no charge and no payment? I know I do, especially when those things have some value, and even more when they are of great value. Well, there is no greater gift we can receive for free than to receive the knowledge of…

  • Church Purity

    (1 Corinthians 5:9-12) Purity in the church is important for the sake of holding fast the truth of the new covenant and to ensure what is taught is aligned with the ways of Jesus Christ. And just as the doctrines and teachings are to be pure and undefiled, so too the behaviours of those in…

  • The Unleavened Truth

    (1 Corinthians 5:6-8) The way to life cannot and must not be compromised. There is no place for compromise in seeking the truth and the ways of God, for truth is not compromised. What is leaven? In a baking sense it is an agent, such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise, especially…