Tag: New Covenant

  • Why Jesus Died

    (John 16:4-7) There are many advantages to being a Christian and knowing Jesus Christ. The full number of them may never be known by us as individuals. However in this section of scripture we see that Jesus points to the specific advantage that we received not through His coming, but by His going. By this…

  • The Holy Spirit

    (John 14:15-17) Jesus tells the disciples that they will be given the gift of the Holy Spirit in this section of scripture. Over the next few chapters of John He begins to show different aspects of the Holy Spirit. He shows things about the nature of the Holy Spirit, how we receive it, who sends…

  • Satan Cast Out

    (John 12:31-32) Two strong pieces of information are contained in these two verse. One that could and should strike fear into the hearts of mankind, but only those who are not followers of Jesus. The second is a declaration of the hope of salvation and the promise of the Lord. There are insights here about…

  • Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls into the Earth and Dies

    (John 12:20-24) Here is an interesting teaching where Jesus speaks in parables about his coming death and resurrection. It is here that He recognises that the purpose of His coming was to die and be raised for the purpose of building the church. He uses the analogy that unless a grain of wheat falls into…

  • Plotting Against Jesus

    (John 11:45-53) After Lazarus was raised from the dead, a great many of the Jews believed in Him. They recognised the power of God in Jesus for no one had ever seen a man resurrected before. This confounded the leaders, the chief priests and the Pharisees and threw them into despair. They were utterly at…

  • Two Flocks

    (John 10:16 – Two Flocks) There is an interesting comment that The Lord made in this one verse of the bible. He alludes here to the fact there there are two flocks that in time will come together so that there will be just a single flock who will follow The Lord. Look at what…

  • The Woman Caught In Adultery – Part 2

    (John 8:1-11) In my previous post I looked at the aspects of legalism that come from this teaching of the woman caught in adultery. Today we should explore the other side of this teaching, for it is a wondrous message and shows how the Lord has taken us from the darkness of that legalistic situation…

  • Behold, the Lamb of God

    (John 1:29-34) The gospel of John is incredibly powerful. It contains so much knowledge and teaching that it can only have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. One of the problems with this simplicity of the gospel of John is that it is easy to miss important teachings and concepts. As an example, this single…

  • Jesus Dies: Earth’s Darkest Hour

    (Luke 23:44-49) The hour had come for the Lord to depart from this earth. All had been accomplished that he needed to do while he was here and it was now time for the next stage of the work to be done. He had trained his disciples to the point that they needed to be…

  • The Last Supper

    (Luke 22:7-23) Jesus greatly desired to eat this last supper with his disciples, for he says in this scripture, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I tell you I shall not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” (Verses 15-16) It was…

  • Till Death Us Do Part

    (Luke 20:27-40) When people are married at some point in the relationship they often give or exchange eternity rings. This is often on the first anniversary of the marriage. I am certain this is a process developed and marketed by the jewellery industry to increase sales, because it certainly has no basis in scripture. In…

  • The Stone The Builders Rejected

    (Luke 20:9-18) This section of scripture is the parable of the man who planted a vineyard, let it out to tenants and then went away. The focus is on the tenants and how they reacted to those sent by the master of the vineyard to receive the fruits of the vineyard. There are a few…