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Tag: Kingdom of God

  • Entering God’s Rest

    (Hebrews 4:3-8 – Entering God’s Rest) If there is one thing you can guarantee on this earth it’s that there is no rest. There is the old saying, “There’s no rest for the wicked,” but they’ve got it wrong. There is even less rest for the righteous because the righteous stand in direct opposition to…

  • Not of this world: Spiritual lives of Christians

    As Christians, we are truly only visiting this planet. As the scripture says, our commonwealth is in heaven and even though our physical bodies reside on this earth, our spiritual selves are with Christ. We are not of this world, and this fact is highlighted in a number of places.

  • The New Heavens and the New Earth (Ep 60)

    When all has been completed, the final judgment has taken place, and all the prophecies of the Bible are completed then the Kingdom of God will be with men. God will destroy this old heaven and earth and create a brand new earth for His people to live into eternity. This promise is written in…

  • Foundations of God’s Kingdom

    (Ephesians 2:17-22) No building will last for long if it does not have a solid foundation, and the kingdom of God is THE eternal kingdom. So the foundation of God’s kingdom must by necessity be the strongest and greatest of all. The Bible talks a lot about foundations and it is critically important that you…

  • Want to Ensure Your Place in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    (Galatians 4:16-17) Are you being shut out of the kingdom of heaven without really knowing it? How would you know if you are or are not? Paul answers that question in part in the first of these two verses today. Paul was preaching the truth. Those who stood against him who were influencing the Galatians…

  • Your Labour Is Not In Vain

    (1 Corinthians 15:58) I just love this verse. It fills me with both comfort and encouragement because it is good to know that your work is both appreciated and valuable. Anyone who does any kind of work for the Lord should also take comfort in these words. They are words of hope because they tell…

  • If You Must Boast

    (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) If you must boast, than boast in the Lord Jesus Christ. These are the final words in this first chapter of Corinthians that Paul writes to the church both then and now. As a general rule, and as we are told in other places, boasting is not good. Boasting of yourself is…

  • Brotherly Love

    (Romans 14:1-4) There are many people with different Christian backgrounds who read this and other Christian blogs. They come from all denominations and sects of the church, both from mainstream churches as well as small independent groups, home churches and those going solo who are in-between churches. The one thing ALL of these people have…

  • Salvation Is Near

    (Romans 13:11) The primary reason people come to Jesus Christ is that they recognize the fruitless ness and worthlessness of their life on earth through sin, and are seeking salvation. Jesus Christ is the Saviour and He is the way we must find salvation for salvation comes from God alone, through Jesus Christ. But there…

  • Governing Authorities

    (Romans 13:1-5) So often today it seems that as soon as an elected government comes to power they are immediately lionized as being the worst government ever or being the source and reason for all the ills and evils that exist in that country. This is especially noticeable on social media. The rants against governments…

  • Sheep To The Slaughter

    (Romans 8:35-36) The differences between the followers of the lord and those who do not are strongly seen and felt in these two verses. When it all boils down the major differences are based upon faith, attitude and priorities. The sum of those things leads the followers of Christ into a position that many in…

  • Spreading The Word

    (Acts 8:4-8) It’s ironic how the actions of a few to stop something often leads to an expansion and growth of the very thing they tried to stop. Think about the actions of the Jewish elders and especially Saul who became Paul. Before coming to Christ he persecuted and harassed the early church, even going…