Christians are at war in the Spirit, but to fight this they need to be prepared and ready. This FREE spiritual warfare training program dives deep into how to wage this war and win. Join the SPIRITUAL WARFARE TRAINING PROGRAM here.

  • Appointing Elders in the Church

    Appointing Elders in the Church is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. This post considers the requirements of Elders as defined in the scriptures.

  • Women in Ministry

    Women in ministry is one of the hot topics in the church. The scripture shows that women should NOT be excluded from any forms of ministry.

  • Having the right attitude as a Christian

    Having the right attitude as a Christian is vastly more important than looking good as a Christian. This is true for both men and women.

  • A Call to Prayer

    Never in the history of man has there been a greater need for a call to prayer than today, as the teachings of Jesus show these are end times

  • There is one mediator between man and God

    There is one mediator between man and God. This scripture strikes at the heart of false doctrines in the church of pagan origin.

  • Pray for all men to come to a knowledge of the truth

    Pray for all men to come to a knowledge of the truth. This is a key responsibility, especially in these times as anti-Christian sentiment increases.

  • Don’t Make Shipwreck of Your Faith

    As a Christian, don’t make shipwreck of your faith by veering off into dangerous places. Seek the the fullness of the truth and the true church of God.

  • Jesus is our Hope

    Jesus is our hope in all things and there is no sin a man can commit that will keep him from the Lord if he turns to God and repents.

  • Who is the Law For?

    When you think about the question: “Who is the law for?” you may think “The bad guys.” But where does the law belong for Christians?

  • Turning away from God after Salvation

    Turning away from God after salvation takes many forms. Walking away from God into error is even institutionalised in many churches.

  • Conspiracy Theories and Controversies

    The world is filled with conspiracy theories and controversies, many linked to COVID. But do they serve any purpose? Read on to find out more

  • What Good Have You Done Today?

    What Good Have You Done Today? This idea came to me out of the call from Paul to the Thessalonians, “Brethren, do not be weary in well-doing.” It is something to consider every day.