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Category: Luke

  • He Who Is Not With You Is Against You

    (Luke 9:49-50) When the disciples saw a man casting out demons who was not following with Jesus they told him not to continue doing it. But Jesus said to them not to forbid him because he who is not with you is against you. What do you think about this? How would you have handled…

  • Pride Goes Before a Fall

    (Luke 9:46-48) The disciples began arguing amongst themselves as to who was the greatest among them. How typical is this of the way that man thinks. This is pride, pure and simple, and as the saying goes, “Pride goes before a fall.” The Problem with Pride Pride is a problem for all of mankind, but…

  • Jesus is Delivered into the Hands of Men

    (Luke 9:43-45) Jesus had just cleansed a boy of a demon that the disciples could not remove. The people around were marvelling at the majesty of God and all the mighty works Jesus did. Yet at the height of their adulation and wonder at Jesus he said to his disciples privately that he was to…

  • Power and Authority over Demons

    (Luke 9:37-43) The power that Jesus had was not limited. More than that he had the authority to carry out the works he did. Nowhere was both his power and authority more apparent than when dealing with demons. There were numerous times when the Lord cast out demons from people afflicted in this way. In…

  • Jesus Transfiguration

    (Luke 9:28-36) Jesus’ transfiguration is an unusual episode in the life and times of Jesus. It was during the transfiguration that Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus on the mountain and spoke with him of his departure from this world. And there is an even more interesting aspect of this event that leads right to…

  • What does it Profit a Man to Gain the Whole World and Lose His Life

    (Luke 9:23-27) In these words, “What does it Profit a Man to Gain the Whole World and Lose His Life,” Jesus makes a number of highly valuable and important points. He goes on to say that if any man saves his life he will lose it and if any man loses his life for the…

  • Who is Jesus

    (Luke 9:18-22) Who is Jesus? Many of the people of the world think of him as just a good man that lived about 2,000 years ago. Christians recognise him as the Son of God and the Christ, but what else do we know about Jesus identity? First, in this scripture it is not possible to…

  • Feeding the Multitude

    (Luke 9:10-17) OK, Jesus created matter from nothing! I’m not going to get into the science of this, (because I don’t have a clue how he did it), but it is evident from this section of scripture that Jesus did exactly this. For hundreds of years alchemists have tried to transform matter such as base…

  • Seeing Jesus

    (Luke 9:7-9) Herod the Tetrarch was the ruler at the time Jesus walked the earth. He heard of the many signs and wonders that Jesus had performed and desired to see Jesus. In due course this happened but when it did it was to cast judgement upon Jesus. The World is Blind However in the…

  • Preaching the Gospel

    (Luke 9:1-6) From time to time we have people come to the door to preach the gospel. This is not that unusual and it must be tough for those who do this work as many people become hostile or simply slam the door in their faces. In this section of scripture we see that Jesus…

  • The Two Deaths

    (Luke 8:49-56) The perspective that the Lord has of life and death is quite different to the way people think of these things. It is a commonly held belief that when a person dies, that is the end. There is no coming back and nothing more to say or do. When it’s over, it’s over…

  • Touch the Hem of His Garment

    (Luke 8:40-48) This is a much discussed and well known scripture where we see the woman suffering a flow of blood healed by touching the hem of His garment. I too have discussed this section of scripture previously when covering it in Matthew and Mark (Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43). You can check these out in…