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Tag: Seeking God’s Way

  • Godless and Silly Myths

    There are many godless and silly myths in the world and in the Church today. This scripture tells us to have nothing to do with them. They mislead & distract.

  • No Time to be Lazy in the Lord

    There is no time to be lazy in the Lord. This is important physically but even more important spiritually.

  • God is Faithful in His Promises

    God is faithful in His promises and He will do all that He has promised. The love and faithfulness of God is beyond human understanding.

  • Beware of those who seek the glory of man

    Beware of those who seek the glory of man, for far too many Christians and those in ministry are not seeking the glory of the Lord today, but are seeking personal glory from men.

  • Episode 29 – Feeling for God

    At some point in many people’s lives they recognise there is something missing. All the material wealth of this world cannot and does not fill that gap. That is often when people “feel after God.” Find out more by listening to this podcast.

  • Live Peaceably With All

    (Romans 12:18) One of the primary and fundamental tenets of the Christian life is to live in peace. We have the promise of peace being left with us through Jesus Christ and we seek peace as we walk with Him. God the Father is referred to in various places as the God of peace and…

  • No Shortcuts

    (Acts 19:13-17) There are no shortcuts to enter the kingdom of God and there are no shortcuts to receiving His power and using it in ministry. The only way to come to God is thru Jesus Christ and the only way to be able to receive and use the power of God is through receiving…

  • Help Me Father God

    (John 12:44-46) How many times have you heard these words uttered, “Help me Father God?” Perhaps you have uttered them yourself in a time of darkness or despair when everything seemed hopeless. Seeking the help of the Father in such situations is normal, for Jesus taught us to pray to the Father and He told…

  • I Am The Door

    (John 10:7-9) If you are going anywhere you have to enter by the door. Jesus tells us it’s the same if we want to enter the kingdom of God. To enter His kingdom we must also enter by the door. The problem is that many will not enter by the door and in fact many…

  • There Are None So Blind

    (John 9:35-41) Who is really blind? Is it those who have a problem preventing them from using their eyes or is it those who have perfect vision but choose not to see? Is it not the second group? As the saying goes, there are none so blind as those who will not see. This is…

  • Lost!

    (John 8:21-22) What is one of the most frustrating and annoying things that can happen to you? When you lose something and cannot find it. Even though you hunt high and low, the darn thing just cannot be found anywhere. Think about the times you may have misplaced your keys, wallet, cell phone or something…

  • Knowing God’s Will – A Good Rule of Thumb

    (Luke 16:14-15) It is useful to have rules of thumb for many things. They help us to make decisions about matters when there is no other guidance. A rule of thumb according to Wikipedia can be described as, “An easily learned and easily applied procedure for approximately calculating or recalling some value, or for making…