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Tag: Money

  • Seek the true riches in Jesus Christ

    It is futile to seek the wealth of this world. Prosperity gospel is a false teaching. Seek the true riches in Jesus Christ that lead to life.

  • The Love of Money is the Root of All Evils

    The love of money is the root of all evils. At it’s heart is greed and it leads many astray. The prosperity gospel in the church is a classic example of this evil.

  • Honouring the Leaders in the Church

    Honouring leaders in the church both financially and for the work they do in the service of the Lord is a good thing to do. But leaders should not expect more than they deserve.

  • Living Futile Lives

    (Ephesians 4:17-19) A life without living in the presence of the Lord is a futile life. Every person in this world who chooses to reject the call of God is living in futility. They do not understand that this life is not the “main game,” it is just a taste of what is possible. But…

  • Making The Gospel Free

    (2 Corinthians 12:11-15) One of the great things we see in Paul was that he chose to make the gospel free to all those to whom he preached. He did not put any burdens upon any of the early churches because he did not want to burden them in any way. His aim always was…

  • Church Financing

    (2 Corinthians 8:13-24) How should the church be financed? What is the means by which the church should receive it’s funding? Even though we know that money is not a priority in the Lord, there is a basic financial need in the church for it to operate. We need to pay for premises, whether rented…

  • It’s Not About Position

    (2 Corinthians 5:11-12) In this world, position means everything. Position is power and people seek the power of positions to further their own goals, whether that is to gain money, credibility, authority or to help others. In this world it is all about position. But in Christ, it’s not about position, as Paul spoke of…

  • The Gospel For Free

    (1 Corinthians 9:1-18) Do you like to get things for free? No cost, no charge and no payment? I know I do, especially when those things have some value, and even more when they are of great value. Well, there is no greater gift we can receive for free than to receive the knowledge of…

  • Flattery

    (Acts 24:1-9) The apostle Paul had been imprisoned and had already stood before several tribunals to give an account of himself and after being moved to Caesarea was brought before the council once again. This time he was to be examined before the Roman governor of the region, Felix. Five days after Paul had been…

  • The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil

    (Acts 19:23-41) Too often we hear it said that money is the root of all evil, but this is not what the Bible tells us. When Paul wrote to Timothy it was quitter clear that he said in 1 Timothy 6:10 that it is “The love of money” that is the issue. Money in and…

  • Working for The Lord

    (Acts 18:1-4) My website is called “freegiftfromgod.com” for a reason. It is based upon the approach that Paul took to the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ where Paul chose to work to meet his living expenses while he travelled and taught the word to many people, rather than place a financial…

  • Jesus Drives The Money Changers From The Temple

    (John 2:13-17) Imagine a market place at the time of Christ. The sounds of animals intermingled with the shouts of vendors selling their wares and the clink and rattle of money as it exchanges hands. An intoxicating combination of sounds, sights and smells attacking all of your senses. Well that’s all fine in a market…