Tag: Life

  • Your Life Is In Gods Hands

    (Acts 12:1-11) It is the folly of the young, and young men in particular, to think they are bulletproof. They often think, act and behave as if life will go on forever and that no matter what they do they will be OK. The news is full of the stories of young men who have…

  • Nothing Impossible

    (Acts 9:36-43) What is it that man seeks more than anything else? And what is it that in spite of all the advances in medicine and science he simply cannot achieve? In a word…LIFE! Man has learned how to prolong life and repair many sicknesses, illnesses and physical conditions, but once a person is dead,…

  • This Life

    (Acts 5:17-20) These scriptures hold a few interesting teachings that bear thinking about. They firstly show the nature of man and the opposition that those who follow Jesus will receive. Then they go on to identify what it is that causes the people of the world to oppose the words of The Lord. We see…

  • Jesus Could Not Be Held By Death

    (Acts 2:22-24) Jesus died at Calvary. We all know that. We also know that He was resurrected from the dead three days after He had been put to death because Jesus could not be held by death. But why? What was the reason why He could not be held by death? And also is there…

  • Jesus is The Word

    (John 21:24-25) These last two verses of the book of John could easily be overlooked as just the way John closed the chapter and his gospel. But when you think about what he said in these two verses, there is still a message we can take away and learn. It is my belief that nothing…

  • It Is Finished

    (John 19:23-30) Jesus was nailed up to die. The last few acts that were prophesied concerning His life were completed with the soldiers casting lots for His garments and Him being given a drink of sour wine as He said, “I thirst.” Jesus’ time had come to an end on earth and the stage was…

  • Receiving Eternal Life

    (John 17:1-5) It has been mankind’s wish and desire to be able to live forever since the earliest of times. In days gone by there were wild stories about seeking and trying to find the fountain of youth, which of course never existed. Receiving eternal life through such methods was and always will be a…

  • Victory in Jesus Christ

    (John 16:29-33) The Lord gives us great hope and a promise that all Christians should take comfort from in these few scriptures. There is also a warning, but with that warning a reminder that in Him we are safe. Is there anyone in Christ today who can say that since coming to Jesus all of…

  • I Am The Resurrection and The Life

    (John 11:17-27) In the previous two posts I have been looking at the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Lazarus. When Jesus came to the place where he had taken ill and died, he spoke to Martha and Mary, who were sisters of Lazarus. In this discussion Jesus makes one of the…

  • Unstoppable

    (John 10:17-21) There are some things in this world that are considered unstoppable and unchangeable. The rising and setting of the sun, the ebb and flow of the tides and of course those classics…death and taxes! But in truth all of these things are really only temporary and there will come a time when they…

  • Life In Abundance

    (John 10:10) What is your life? How much does your life mean to you? What would you be prepared to give in exchange for your life? Anything? Everything? These are big, big questions and not easy to answer. In this world we know that the average life span of a person these days is about…

  • Food for Thought, Food for Life

    (John 6:16-27) In this section of scripture we see food for thought and food for life. The bible is full of food for thought and there are many stories, parables, analogies and teachings where food is used as a metaphor for spiritual learning. Here Jesus speaks in more direct terms about food, and in particular…