Tag: freedom from law

  • The Resurrection of the Lord

    (Luke 24:1-12). The most fundamental teaching of the new covenant and the core principle of Christianity is the resurrection of the dead. Without the resurrection the rest of the christian covenant does not hold together. It is through the resurrection of Jesus that man receives release from his sins and the freedom from law so…

  • Till Death Us Do Part

    (Luke 20:27-40) When people are married at some point in the relationship they often give or exchange eternity rings. This is often on the first anniversary of the marriage. I am certain this is a process developed and marketed by the jewellery industry to increase sales, because it certainly has no basis in scripture. In…

  • Its Not About The Law

    (Luke 14:1-6) Today we often see lawyers and judges, whether in real life or in depictions in books, TV or movies, who are seeking the truth. However we also see those same people twist the law to suit their own ends and to seek a result that was not really what the law was saying.…

  • Jesus Fulfilled the Law

    (Luke 6:17-19) After appointing the twelve we see Jesus comes down from the mountain and is greeted by a great crowd of people. His fame had spread considerably and his ministry was well into stride at this time. At this point he is about to commence what has become known as the sermon on the…

  • Healing on the Sabbath

    (Mark 3:1-6) Jesus continued to show the inflexibility of the Pharisees, especially over matters of their poor interpretation of the law. The Pharisees took an extreme legalistic approach to the law which left no room for compassion. They said that no work was to be done on the Sabbath as the law stated, but took…

  • The Great Commission Part 3

    (Matthew 28:16-20) The third element of the Great Commission given by Jesus to his disciples was, “…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Verse 20) He told the disciples to teach the people what he had taught them. These are the teachings of the New Covenant, which he instructed the disciples to…

  • The Great Commission Part 2

    (Matthew 28:16-20) The second element of the Great Commission after telling the eleven to go and make disciples was, “…baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Verse 19) Some churches have either ignored this element of the Great Commission or given it only lip service.…

  • Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

    (Matthew 12:1-8) At the end of chapter 11 we saw Jesus state that his “yoke was easy and his burden light.” (Matthew 11:30) Now we see him begin to teach things that have reduced that burden of the Old Covenant. Under the Old Covenant men were required to keep the Sabbath day holy. This was…