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Tag: End Times

  • Confidence in the Lord

    (Hebrews 4:14-16 – Confidence in the Lord) If there is one thing that we can have as Christians, it is confidence in the Lord. Through the grace of God and the work He accomplished in the death and resurrection of Jesus, we can be confident that God loves us. God has provided for every situation…

  • Times of Stress

    These are times of stress where Christians are being attacked both from without and within the Church. We need to learn how to overcome in Christ Jesus.

  • The coming of the man of lawlessness

    This section of scripture speaks about the coming of the man of lawlessness, or the man of sin. It is a clear sign that the end times are here and that the Lord will also return soon too.

  • When Will Jesus Return

    When will Jesus return? When is the second coming of Jesus Christ going to happen? This post examines a couple of the time lines prophecies of Daniel for a new perspective.

  • When God says Your Time is Up

    Recently, I have been studying different scriptures and have noticed that there comes a time when God says your time is up. He reaches a point where His patience ends and He says “Enough!”

  • Meeting Christ in the Air

    Much has been spoken and written about the events contained in this section of scripture when we shall be meeting Christ in the air.

  • Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles?

    Why did Jesus perform miracles? He never did anything without reason & He performed miracles for an even more important reason than just healing the sick.

  • The Burial of Jesus

    (Luke 23:50-56) When they took Jesus down after he had died, he had to be buried. And in his burial we see two lessons or two things that we can learn from. One of these was to do with the burial itself, and the other to do with who was involved in the burial. In…

  • Nation Will Rise Against Nation

    (Luke 21:10-19) This section of scripture covers prophecy from Jesus about the events leading up to the times of the end. Jesus gives us signs of what is to come and warnings for his followers so that they understand what is happening. He gives us this knowledge so that we will not be afraid and…

  • Trouble for the End Times Church

    (Matthew 24:9-14) There will be trouble for the end times church as Jesus tells us in this next section. The church will have trouble and individual Christians will suffer for it. There will be a sifting of the wheat from the chaff in the end times and there will be no fence sitting, as these…

  • Bible Signs of the Times

    (Matthew 16:1-4) In this section we see Jesus upbraiding the Pharisees and Sadducees who were looking for a sign from heaven to test Jesus. There are many Bible signs of the times throughout both Old & New Testaments relating to Jesus’ coming. The Pharisees and Sadducees were aware of them, but refused to accept this…