Christians are at war in the Spirit, but to fight this they need to be prepared and ready. This FREE spiritual warfare training program dives deep into how to wage this war and win. Join the SPIRITUAL WARFARE TRAINING PROGRAM here.
No Time to be Lazy in the Lord
There is no time to be lazy in the Lord. This is important physically but even more important spiritually.
More Weapons of Spiritual Warfare
The weapons of spiritual warfare are critical today more than ever. As the attacks of the devil increase, as was predicted in the Bible, so too we need to use the weapons of spiritual warfare to stand.
How will you be saved?
How will you be saved? That is a question that many people have asked over the centuries, and is a pressing question today. This scripture gives a good overview.
The coming of the man of lawlessness
This section of scripture speaks about the coming of the man of lawlessness, or the man of sin. It is a clear sign that the end times are here and that the Lord will also return soon too.
When Will Jesus Return
When will Jesus return? When is the second coming of Jesus Christ going to happen? This post examines a couple of the time lines prophecies of Daniel for a new perspective.
When God says Your Time is Up
Recently, I have been studying different scriptures and have noticed that there comes a time when God says your time is up. He reaches a point where His patience ends and He says “Enough!”
The Righteous Judgement of God
We who walk in Christ are being prepared according to the righteous judgement of God. We are being prepared through a process of transformation to live with Christ.
Expect the Worst but Hope for the Best
There is an attitude that we need to take as we walk with Christ. We need to expect the worst but hope for the best.
Seeing Growth in the Church
Seeing growth in the church is dependent upon both faith and love, and growth can only occur when we follow Christ according to the pattern He established.
God is Faithful in His Promises
God is faithful in His promises and He will do all that He has promised. The love and faithfulness of God is beyond human understanding.
A Guide for Living in Christ Jesus
If you are looking for a guide for living in Christ Jesus, then the words in these few verses make a great start. Read on to find out more.
Love one another in these troubled times
It is critical that Christians everywhere love one another in these troubled times. The time is short and we must prepare for His coming.