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Category: Luke

  • Ask and It Will Be Given You

    (Luke 11:9-13) Do you know how to get what you want? Do you know how to find what you are seeking? Strangely, many people seem not to know these simple things, and that is a problem, especially in relation to their walk with Christ. Ask and it Will be Given If you want something, you…

  • Persistence in Prayer

    (Luke 11:5-8) Recently I received an email from someone who had all but given up. He said he had been praying for nine years for the conversion of some members of his family and nothing had happened. They still had not come to the Lord and the essence of his note was, why bother praying…

  • The Lords Prayer – How to Pray

    (Luke 11:1-4) Do you know how to pray? Did you know that the Lord gave a master class on how to pray and we can learn from it? This post looks at the process of praying as the Lord taught his disciples and which we can and should learn from too. This lesson is contained…

  • Martha and Mary

    (Luke 10:38-42) Many times when people come to the Lord they want to get out and spread the word. They have found something fantastic and want the world to know about it. They want to get involved in the ministry in many ways and often do get caught up in things like mission work, door…

  • The Good Samaritan

    (Luke 10:29-37) Yesterday we saw that the Lord showed there is eternal life in keeping the law. A lawyer came to Jesus asking how to inherit eternal life and Jesus told him if he kept the two great laws, to love God and to love your neighbour, you would inherit life. But there is a…

  • How to Inherit Eternal Life

    (Luke 10:25-28) As Jesus was teaching there were always people opposing what he said. Always there was a Pharisee, scribe or some other person from the religious establishment trying to take him to task over some matter of the Kingdom of God and Jesus’ teachings. Here we see another example from a man who was…

  • Learning to See

    (Luke 10:23-24) The disciples were greatly blessed for they lived in the time when Jesus walked the earth. They saw the things he did and heard the gospel from his mouth. They saw the miracles, the healings, the casting out of demons and many other things that were never written down for posterity. The people…

  • Revealed by God

    (Luke 10:21-22) Jesus prayed to the Father and thanked him for His wisdom and the fact that these mysteries and wonders that are to be found in God are available to anyone. You do not need to have any special knowledge skills or abilities to gain the insight from God for it is revealed to…

  • Reason to Rejoice

    (Luke 10:16-20) After the seventy disciples had returned they were elated. They spoke to Jesus of the things they had done and the work accomplished saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” (Verse 17) But Jesus provides them with a different and better perspective and gives them a better reason…

  • Sending out the Seventy

    (Luke 10:1-15) Often we think that Jesus worked only through the twelve disciples, but here we see that he sent out seventy of his followers to do ministry in and about the region. He gave all of them the authority to heal the sick as he charged them to preach the gospel of the kingdom.…

  • Our Home is in Heaven

    (Luke 9:57-62) Jesus gave several teachings in this short section of scripture which discuss the fact that our home is in heaven and warns us to get our priorities in order. Our Home is in Heaven A man said to the Lord that he would follow him wherever he would go. Buit Jesus says to…

  • Vengeance is Mine, or is it?

    (Luke 9:51-56) Do you ever feel like taking revenge when someone does something against you? Do you ever feel angered or hateful against someone who does not believe as you do or even opposes what you believe? Let me give you an example. Last week I attended a conference and for one session I sat…