Category: Luke
Seeking the Lost Coin
(Luke 15:8-10) In the first few paragraphs of Luke 15 we see three very similar teachings. They cover different aspects of the same thing: seeking the lost. The Lord uses three different parable teachings to get the message across. In this one today it is about a woman seeking the lost coin. The fact that…
Looking for Lost Sheep
(Luke 15:1-7) When you read the Bible it sometimes makes you wonder how some people think. In this section of scripture the Pharisees and scribes murmured amongst themselves saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” (Verse 2) It never ceases to amaze me why these people were so staggered at this situation. If…
Seasoned with Salt
(Luke 14:34-35) Is salt good? We are often told by medical authorities to cut back on the amount of salt we have as it causes fluid retention, high blood pressure and can lead to heart disease or stroke. So I ask again, is salt good? You can drink water to sustain your life, but when…
What Will It Cost You to Follow Christ?
How much will it cost you to follow Christ? Following Jesus will cost you everything in this world, but the benefits far outweigh the cost.
The Great Invitation
(Luke 14:15-24) Picture this. You have a really big occasion coming up. Something really important to you and so you decide to throw a big celebration party. You invite all your friends to join you as you celebrate and then wait for the RSVP’s to come in so you can plan seating, catering and so…
Do You Give Expecting to Get?
Do you give expecting to get rather than learning to give expecting nothing in return?
Will You be Recognised by God?
(Luke 14:7-11) What are the greatest words you could ever hear? It has to be the Lord saying on judgement day, “Well done good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21, 23) That would be the ultimate recognition and aspiration for all who seek to follow Jesus Christ. But how do we achieve this recognition? What must…
Its Not About The Law
(Luke 14:1-6) Today we often see lawyers and judges, whether in real life or in depictions in books, TV or movies, who are seeking the truth. However we also see those same people twist the law to suit their own ends and to seek a result that was not really what the law was saying.…
Jesus Laments Over Jerusalem
(Luke 13:31-35) Jesus shows his frustration with Jerusalem in this scripture. He was frustrated because it was his desire to protect the people and comfort them. However the rulers of Jerusalem over the many years would not and instead caused suffering. JohnHi! I’m John, the owner, author, and editor of this site. Over the past…
Seek to Enter by the Narrow Door
(Luke 13:22-30) Your salvation depends on knowing, and more importantly being known by Jesus. The pathway to being known by Jesus is not an easy one to find let alone walk as we see in this section of scripture. These are not my words but the words of the Lord when someone asked him, “Lord,…
Organic Growth
(Luke 13:20-21) Organic growth is a term that we hear often these days. In marketing and especially on the web, it is the kind of growth that you get through referrals and word of mouth and anything other than direct advertising or marketing efforts. Organic growth is something that you can’t work for as it…
From Little Things Big Things Grow
(Luke 13:18-19) There is an advertising campaign on television that has been running for a while using the phrase, “from little things big things grow.” They are selling superannuation and the fact that by investing a little now it will grow significantly into a nest egg you will be able to retire on with comfort…