Tag: Protection

  • Unbreakable In God’s Power

    (2 Corinthians 4:7-12) Anyone who has faith will never doubt the power of God to protect and save. The examples in the bible are numerous where God has exercised His power to prevent calamity and death among His people. Paul recognized this power and shows us how the people of God are unbreakable in God's…

  • God’s Protection

    (1 Corinthians 10:13) Walking in Christ is not an easy journey. We are called to receive life into eternity, but the road to that life is filled with struggles, troubles, trials and tribulations, for that is our lot as we walk with Christ Jesus. We are warned about this many times in the Bible and…

  • All Things Are Lawful

    (1 Corinthians 6:12) The message contained in this single scripture is incredibly powerful. It drives powerfully to many of the problems we face today and used correctly forces us to think hard about many of the actions and decisions being taken by people in the world today. Look at the verse closely. 12 “All things…

  • Defeating The Serpent

    (Acts 28:1-6) In my last post on this blog I wrote about the protection of The Lord. As Christians we are protected in many different ways, both physically protected and spiritually protected. We do have a responsibility to not put ourselves into situations where we are in danger if we can, but that is not…

  • Protection of The Lord

    (Acts 27:27-44) In times of dire circumstances, Christians often have a level of protection that is not afforded to unbelievers. Here in this section of scripture we see that The Lord had promised Paul that not only he, but all of the people on the ship with him, a total of 276 people, would not…

  • A Way Of Escape

    (Acts 25:1-12) One of the promises of The Lord is that He will give us a protection that is not afforded to the people of the world. When the people of the world get into trouble they do not have a safety net to catch them if they fall. But The Lord is the safety…

  • The Lords Protection

    (Acts 23:12-35) There are many people who can and do bear testimony to the protection they have received from The Lord. I know His protection first hand and how The Lord protected both my wife, myself and my children from death. If you are interested in my testimony relating to this you can

  • Paul At Corinth

    (Acts 18:5-23) After Paul left Athens and came to Corinth he was busy preaching and teaching the word of God. He had Timothy and Silas to assist him in this work as well as Priscilla and Aquila with whom he was staying. Paul's custom was to enter the synagogue on the sabbath and reason with…

  • Russian Roulette

    (Acts 12:18-19) Are you familiar with the deadly game of Russian roulette? It is the nastiest game of gambling ever devised because the loser loses their life on a game of chance. It works like this. Assume a gun has a cylinder that spins and takes say six bullets. The cylinder is then emptied and…

  • Protection of The Father

    (John 17:6-10) Do you fear the people of the world and what they may do to you? Do you perhaps hide your Christian faith for fear or worry about what people might say? Do you see the things going on in this world and worry about your life here, especially matters like earthquakes, natural disasters,…

  • The Ruler of This World

    (John 14:28-31) Time for a quick quiz. Who is the ruler of this world that Jesus was referring to in this section of scripture? A king or a queen? Perhaps Herod or the Caesar of Rome? If you answered any of these you would be wrong. What if this event had happened today instead of…

  • I Am The Good Shepherd

    (John 10:11-15) There is a significant difference between Jesus and all others who came both before and after him. And not just because he was and is the Son of God. The big difference was in what he was prepared to do for those who love Him and the Father and His compassion and caring…