Tag: Faith

  • Episode 39 – What is faith and why is it important?

    Faith is the one thing that underpins all of the promises of God. Without faith we cannot know God and we cannot please God. We cannot know the fullness of God and all that He has for us without faith.

  • The Riches of Faith are Better than Gold

    (Ephesians 1:15-18) In just a few words, Paul has written to the Ephesians and all those who read these words, his joy in the hope that is set before us by God in Jesus Christ. His joy is overflowing for those who have come to Christ and received the blessings of the Lord in return…

  • What is the stumbling block mentioned in the New Testament?

    (Galatians 5:11-12) The New Testament refers to a stumbling block in several places, and it was prophesied there would be a stumbling block come into the world. The prophecy says this: 6 For it stands in scripture: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes in…

  • We Walk By Faith Not By Sight

    (2 Corinthians 5:6-7) There is a blindness on the people of this world that causes them not to see the truth of God. They demand proof that can be seen and measured scientifically before they will accept the truth of any matter. They say that “Seeing is believing.” But in Christ we learn the opposite…

  • Faith, Hope and Love Abide

    (1 Corinthians 13:13) There are a few scriptures in the bible that are so well known that many people, even non-Christians know them or recognise them when they hear them. For example, John 3:16 or Psalm 23. And this verse too is another of those that are well known, especially among Christians. So now faith,…

  • A Simple Gospel

    (1 Corinthians 2:1-5) The gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ is not a complex, complicated, convoluted message. It is a simple gospel designed by God to be easily understood by anyone and everyone. It is men who seek to lord it over others and it is the devil who seeks to confuse those…

  • God’s Wisdom

    (1 Corinthians 1:18-25) Paul begins this section with statements about the foolishness of what we as Christians believe. He talks about it as the foolishness of God and the folly of the word of the gospel and the death of Jesus Christ. He makes the point that to the rest of the world, what we…

  • Faith Versus Doubt

    (Romans 14:20-23) It is a fine line that we walk as Christians for we need to always be aware of what we hold to by faith. There are many things that people believe that have no basis in the bible, and many other things that are held as forms of Christianity that are based on…

  • Knowledge

    (Romans 10:14-17) Do you want to be stronger in your faith? Do you want to stand in the faith with the strength that Abraham had when he was prepared to sacrifice his son and heir but fully convinced that God would provide a solution when he was tested? The faith that we Christians hold as…

  • Simplicity of Righteousness by Faith

    (Romans 10:5-13) Righteousness by faith is a very simple process. And it is not a new process because it existed even prior to Jesus coming. Parts of this section of scripture show the pre-existence of righteousness by faith even under the law for even then there was a requirement of faith. More importantly though is…

  • Righteousness By Faith

    (Romans 10:1-4) One of the key differences between the old and the new covenants is the process and methods of righteousness. In these few verses we see this contrast described from the perspective of where the nation of Israel, and in particular the Jews went wrong. The important point to note is this. There is…

  • Faith Is The Key

    (Romans 9:30-33) There is no other way to come to God and be accepted by Him except on the grounds of faith. That is the focus of these few scriptures at the end of Romans 9. In These few words we see the situation both in Jesus Christ and also before He came to the…