Category: Acts 15

  • Paul and Barnabas Split Up

    (Acts 15:36-41) Usually I post every third day or so, but it has been more than that since my last post here. The reason why is because I am baffled as to what to write since this section of scripture concerns the split in the partnership of the apostles Paul and Barnabas. One of the…

  • A Letter to the Church

    (Acts 15:22-35) The council of the apostles and elders, having considered the matters brought to them by Paul, Barnabas and the circumcision party of the believers, came to a decision as to the way forward. The next step of the process for them was to communicate this decision back to the Gentile churches. To do…

  • Apostles and Elders

    (Acts 15:6-21) The leaders in the early church were established to be either apostles and elders and there are some distinctions between the two groups. They are both important roles in the church and in this section of scripture we see how important and what one of their key roles was. It is unfortunate that…

  • Keeping the Law of Moses

    (Acts 15:1-5) Here we see one of the stark contrasts between the teachings of the old covenant and the new covenant and as it says in verse 2 of this chapter, it caused a great argument and “No small dissension” between the two opposed groups. There were some men, and I must point out here…