So many times in the Bible we see evidence of the superiority and superlativeness of the name of Jesus. Here in these scriptures we begin to understand why Jesus was and is the name above all names.

God the Father has blessed Jesus with all power and all glory that every person on earth should look to Him as their saviour and the source of their salvation. There was never anyone like Jesus and never will be again.
So we will have a look at some of the things with which He was blessed and by extension we have received a blessing also.
The Name above All Names
Before we go any further, just consider the words of these verses today.
17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead, that in everything he might be pre-eminent. 19 For in him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. (Colossians 1:17-20)
The name of Jesus is pre-eminent in all things. He was the first-born and only begotten Son of God the Father. He is the Head of the church who is His body. And in Him all the power of God the Father is pleased to dwell.
And the wonder of this is that all of the power of God dwells in Him for our sake. God has given Jesus all power so that we might receive His salvation and be reconciled to the Father.
It was for our salvation and reconciliation to the Father of all that God gave His power to Jesus.
Man sinned and because of sin we were separated from God.
But in Jesus Christ we have the great opportunity to be reconciled and have our sins taken away. We can once again be clean as God made us when He first brought Adam and Eve to life.
This is why God bestowed upon Jesus the name above all names.
And who can compare to Jesus? Who is even within a millimetre of His magnificence?
There is none and never will be because it is only Jesus whom God the Father ever called His only begotten Son and with whom He said, “This is my Son with whom I am well pleased.”
All things hold together
Jesus is the central focus of Christianity and He is the focus of our life.
It was by His word that the Creation came into being for everything that was made was made through Him.
Jesus, who is The Word, spoke the Creation into existence and so it came to be. His Creation was perfect until sin entered and blackened His work.
Man was deceived by the devil and sinned. Sin became the instrument by which man was severed from the presence of God, which we see when man was thrown out of the Garden of Eden.
But God has given man a chance for redemption through Jesus Christ who bears the name above all names. It is in the name of Jesus that all blessings are received and invoked for He is worthy of such blessing.
Everything that exists now and is yet to come into existence when sin is dealt with, comes through the name above all names: Jesus. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
Peace by the blood of Jesus
The last section of this scripture talks about making peace by the blood of Christ.
To many this would seem a strange statement. For most, the spilling of blood to kill someone is not an act of peace but of violence. And there is no doubt that Jesus died a violent death at the hands of those who opposed Him.
But it was in His blood being shed that we have now the pathway to peace. His blood removes our sins and releases us from all forms of condemnation. It was by His blood that we are reconciled to God the Father and so all of these things are in truth acts of peace.
We have peace in ourselves because through Christ’s blood we do not need to condemn ourselves as our sin is removed. We have peace with God because Jesus paid the price for our sins. He died and suffered the penalty for sin on our behalf so that we could take His death as our own and so stand sin-free before the Father.
And finally, through His death and resurrection we receive the promised Holy Spirit to help us win the victory over the flesh. He gave us the Holy Spirit to do the work of transformation so that we could be like Him.
And so we see in all of these things that Jesus’ name truly is the name above all names. It is ONLY Jesus Christ who is worthy and who has such central importance in all things.
Let us give Him the praise He rightly deserve because without Him and His sacrifice we would be without hope.
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Hi! I’m John, the owner, author, and editor of this site. Over the past 50+ years as a Christian I have been teaching, preaching and writing about the Bible to help Christians gain a deeper insight into the scriptures that are easily understood. I also answer specific Bible related questions, so feel free to contact me.
2 responses to “The Name above All Names: Jesus”
Hello Brother, Greetings from Texas, I’ve read in your website about who God The Father is, and also about who Jesus is, and I would like to recommend a book about the subject by your fellow Aussie Greg Deuble entitled “They Never Told Me This In Church”, Greg Deuble is a former Trinitarian pastor who is now a unitarian. His book is available on Amazon and may even be in your local library. It is the very best book I’ve ever read about the subject of who Jesus is. I highly recommend it.
I hope and pray you recover quickly from your surgery.
Thanks for the info and your kind words. I’ll check it out…and based on the title, he is spot on. There are a lot of things Christians are not told in church that they need to know and must find out for themselves….Regards…John