Tag: Wealth Ministry
Life In Abundance
(John 10:10) What is your life? How much does your life mean to you? What would you be prepared to give in exchange for your life? Anything? Everything? These are big, big questions and not easy to answer. In this world we know that the average life span of a person these days is about…
Render to God the Things that are Gods
(Luke 20:19-26) This piece of scripture contains many insights, especially into the nature of money and the kingdom of God. So often in many modern churches we hear the message that God wants you to be rich. This is the thrust of the wealth ministries that plague the Christian church today. And many Christians fall…
A Camel through the Eye of a Needle
(Luke 18:24-30) The expression that something is like a camel through the eye of a needle is meant to show the impossibility of the thing under discussion. The likelihood that you could ever get a camel through the eye of a needle is so implausible as to be laughable. It is the height of impossibility…
Whoever Seeks to Gain His Life Will Lose It
(Luke 17:33-37) The warning in this scripture is quite a difficult one for many people in this world. It flies in the face of human wisdom, which is not unusual because God’s wisdom is different to human wisdom. But this particular saying in Verse 33 is a bit of a puzzle and it has quite…
Knowing God’s Will – A Good Rule of Thumb
(Luke 16:14-15) It is useful to have rules of thumb for many things. They help us to make decisions about matters when there is no other guidance. A rule of thumb according to Wikipedia can be described as, “An easily learned and easily applied procedure for approximately calculating or recalling some value, or for making…
You Cannot Serve God and Mammon
(Luke 16:10-13 – You Cannot Serve God and Mammon) There are several messages in this section of scripture and I will cover only one aspect at this time. Quite a few times I have written about the need to get your priorities right. When Jesus taught this message that you cannot serve God and mammon,…
Wealth Will Not Make You Secure
(Mark 10:23-31) Why do people seek money? Why are people focussed on wealth creation? Why do people desire so greatly to be rich, to the point that some will seek illegal methods of getting there? Security is the reason. Money and wealth in this age equals security. People want wealth so that they don’t have…
What Does It Profit to Gain the World and Forfeit Your Life?
(Mark 8:34-38) What does it profit to gain the whole world and lose your life? This question was posed by Jesus to his disciples and the people along with another. What can a man give in return for his life? Too often today we see people make the wrong decisions and forfeit their life for…