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Tag: Transformation

  • Entering God’s Day of Rest

    (Hebrews 4:9-11 – Entering God’s Day of Rest) Under the Old Testament law of Moses, one of the Ten Commandments said that people were to rest on the Sabbath from all of their labours. The point of this commandment was to benefit man in two ways. First, the commandment provided a break from the daily…

  • Entering God’s Rest

    (Hebrews 4:3-8 – Entering God’s Rest) If there is one thing you can guarantee on this earth it’s that there is no rest. There is the old saying, “There’s no rest for the wicked,” but they’ve got it wrong. There is even less rest for the righteous because the righteous stand in direct opposition to…

  • Living a Christ-like Life

    (Titus 3:8 – Living a Christ-like Life) One of the things all Christians must learn and understand is about living a Christ-like life. When a person comes to Christ it is often because they have hit rock bottom emotionally or spiritually. Christ came to help those who are suffering. When we are living a Christ-like…

  • How to become a servant of God

    The aim of most Christians is to learn how to become a servant of God. This post looks at the basic processes and what is needed.

  • Aim for godliness in your life

    Aim for godliness in your life as it promises vastly much more than aiming for the temporary and transient things of this world.

  • The Value of Godliness

    The value of godliness vastly outweighs anything of value in this world. We must understand the gospel is for man’s spirit, not the flesh.

  • The Righteous Judgement of God

    We who walk in Christ are being prepared according to the righteous judgement of God. We are being prepared through a process of transformation to live with Christ.

  • Christians are to lead a life worthy of God

    The most important thing we can do as Christians is to lead a life worthy of God. The bottom line is that if we are truly following the ways of the Lord, then we must follow Him according to the ways that He seeks us to follow Him.

  • Challenges in the Church

    As Christians we have been called to change our ways and live a different and better life. A big part of the transformation comes through the working of the church. It is by meeting together as a church that we learn the ways of the Lord and what we need to understand to be transformed…

  • Making the most of your time

    It is not inconceivable to expect to see the return of the Lord in our lifetimes. This is an exciting time for those who are in Jesus Christ, and will be a terrifying time for those who are not. Which is why Paul warns us in these scriptures that we must make to most of…

  • My God Reigns

    (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) This short section is important for it tells us that when Jesus returns and after all is completed, how it is that first, Jesus reigns and then God reigns to that God is everything to me and to all who live in His kingdom. And there are other things we learn from…

  • Imitate Christ

    (1 Corinthians 11:1) Now here is an interesting scripture in the bible. It says, Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. – (1 Corinthians 11:1) What thoughts are conjured up in your mind when you think of being an “imitator” or an imitation of someone or something else? Do you perhaps think of…