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Tag: Sabbath Teachings

  • Keeping The Sabbath

    (John 5:18 – Keeping the Sabbath) This scripture is a difficult one to deal with and I have spent more time thinking about this one than many others that I have written about. It is only one verse, but it can be puzzling and I have prayed about it to try and understand what the…

  • Its Not About The Law

    (Luke 14:1-6) Today we often see lawyers and judges, whether in real life or in depictions in books, TV or movies, who are seeking the truth. However we also see those same people twist the law to suit their own ends and to seek a result that was not really what the law was saying.…

  • Is it Lawful to do Good or Harm on a Sabbath?

    (Luke 6:6-11) You would think that the answer to the question posed by the title of this post is a no-brainer. Consider the Pharisees and scribes who were always following Jesus and who knew the law and try to understand their position. They saw themselves as the keepers of the law and the guardians of…

  • Jesus Is Lord Of The Sabbath

    (Luke 6:1-5) One of the great challenges for the church today is understanding how and where the law fits within the context of the New Covenant. Here in this section is a classic example in relation to the keeping of the Sabbath day. One of the Ten Commandments was that the seventh day of the…

  • Lord of the Sabbath

    (Mark 2:23-28) One of the laws under the Old Covenant was the keeping of the Sabbath. On the Sabbath no person in Israel was permitted to work including the preparation of food. It was meant to be a day of rest and a time for the worship of God. In addition no beast of the…

  • Self Righteousness and Healing on the Sabbath

    (Matthew 12:9-14) By this time the Pharisees were seeking opportunity to condemn and destroy Jesus. They were jealous of him and afraid of his power, for all the people were following this new teaching and the Pharisees were losing their authority and position over the people. The problem the Pharisees had was they could find…