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Tag: Relationships

  • Godly Love

    Godly love is at the root of the letter of Paul to Philemon. Here today we see that godly love in action as Paul seeks reconciliation.

  • Brotherly Love

    Brotherly love is a key characteristic that Christians need to aim at, and here we learn what drastic steps are needed when it goes wrong.

  • Honouring God by how you live your life

    Honouring God by how you live your life shows respect for both God and those around you. Your behaviour will give you a good or bad name.

  • How to improve our relationships in the Lord

    It is important in God’s eyes that we learn how to improve our relationships in the Lord. The advice and insights given in these scriptures will guide us how to improve our relationships in the Lord

  • Respectful Relationships

    Part of the call to Jesus Christ is to learn to respect others. It is part of the process of change going on in all those who are truly seeking the ways of God to learn respect. As we grow in maturity in Jesus Christ we grow into the image of Christ, which is the…

  • God’s Purpose in Christ Jesus

    (Ephesians 3:11-13) One of the most significant changes in the relationship between man and God with the advent and death of Jesus Christ was the ability for everyone who has faith to have direct access to the Father through Jesus Christ. This is evidenced in the scriptures in these few verses. It is important because…

  • Peace With God

    (Romans 5:1) The most wonderful thing about the grace of God and the process He has put in place through faith in His work in Jesus Christ is that we now can have peace with God. Are you aware that before coming to Christ you were actually at war with God? Did you know that…

  • Paul and Barnabas Split Up

    (Acts 15:36-41) Usually I post every third day or so, but it has been more than that since my last post here. The reason why is because I am baffled as to what to write since this section of scripture concerns the split in the partnership of the apostles Paul and Barnabas. One of the…

  • Expression of True Love

    (John 17:22-26) I have been married for thirty eight years to the woman who for me was, still is and always will be “The One.” I cannot begin to describe how much she means to me and how much she is a part of me. The closeness we share is built on mutual trust, respect,…