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Tag: Prophecy

  • A Guide for Living in Christ Jesus

    If you are looking for a guide for living in Christ Jesus, then the words in these few verses make a great start. Read on to find out more.

  • God Wants You To Know

    (Acts 27:13-26) One of the important things Christians have which the non-believers in the world do not have is an understanding of things yet to come. God does not leave His people in the dark. He wants them to know what is going on and this has always been the case. In this section of…

  • Would You Recognise Jesus?

    (Acts 13:13-27) Most of this section of Acts is a brief history given by Paul one sabbath as he entered a new synagogue. However at the end of this section in verse 27 he makes this interesting statement, which may still be relevant today and is worth exploring for a moment. It says this, For…

  • Peter Convicts The Jews

    (Acts 2:25-36) Peter stood with the disciples on the Day of Pentecost and with a voice powered by the Holy Spirit he spoke and convicted the people of Jerusalem over the death of Jesus. He showed them in no uncertain terms from the scriptures that they all were familiar with, that they had put to…

  • The Promise of the Holy Spirit

    (Acts 2:14-21) When John the Baptist was working in his ministry he spoke of Jesus saying that He was the one who would baptise people with the Holy Spirit. John baptised with water, but Jesus came and died so that we could be baptised with the Holy Spirit. After the disciples received the Holy Spirit…

  • Jesus Ascends Into Heaven

    (Acts1:9-14) In this section of scripture we see what occurs when Jesus departs front the earth to return to the Father. This scripture describes the final moments, the last conversation and the method of His leaving the earth. Contained in these words too is a powerful message of His second coming when He will return…

  • Look at the Fig Tree

    (Luke 21:29-33) As Jesus has just been discussing the signs of the times and the signs that will precede the second coming, he gives his people a message and warning saying to “Look at the fig tree.” This is an important point and one that we need to heed so that we are not swept…

  • The Time of the Gentiles

    (Luke 21:20-24) There is a small piece of prophecy in this section of Luke that speaks of the time of the Gentiles. Basically it talks about the over-running of the temple in Jerusalem and the period of time it takes to restore them to their rightful owners. JohnHi! I’m John, the owner, author, and editor…

  • Nation Will Rise Against Nation

    (Luke 21:10-19) This section of scripture covers prophecy from Jesus about the events leading up to the times of the end. Jesus gives us signs of what is to come and warnings for his followers so that they understand what is happening. He gives us this knowledge so that we will not be afraid and…

  • Jesus Warns the Disciples Going to Jerusalem

    (Luke 18:31-34) Jesus understood the reason why He had come to the earth. He was under no illusions as to what his purpose and role were. But he also knew that when the time came his disciples would not understand. As such he began to prepare them for what was to come when he journeyed…

  • Signs of the End

    (Mark 13:14-23) In this section of scripture Jesus discusses some specifics about the times of the end. He is telling his disciples what will be some of the signs of the times at the time of the end and gives his people strong warnings about what will happen and what they should do. Within the…

  • Take Heed That No One Leads You Astray

    (Mark 13:3-8) When the disciples ask Jesus about the signs of the end and his second coming, Jesus commenced his discussion with these words, “Take heed that no-one leads you astray.” (Verse 5) This warning was not for the disciples at that time as much as it is for us in this time and this…