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Tag: Promise

  • Promise of God

    Hebrews 6:13-20 – Promise of God God made many promises to mankind, but the promise of God is not like man promises. When God makes a promise you can guarantee that His promise will be fulfilled and it will come to pass. In these scriptures I am looking at today, we see that not only…

  • In Christ It Is Always Yes

    (2 Corinthians 1:12-24) One of the major phone companies here in Australia has the word ‘Yes’ as a combination motto, logo and customer promise. Whether they actually achieve that I don’t know, but it is a good marketing approach. Most people like to hear a ‘yes’ response because it means they are getting a positive…

  • Hope And A Promise

    (Romans 8:28) There are many promises in them bible, both to those who love the Lord and also to those who do not. Those who choose to reject Jesus Christ and reject God have the promise that a day of reckoning awaits when they will learn and earn the results of their folly. Judgement awaits,…

  • God’s Planned Obsolescence

    (Romans 8:18-21) There is a process in manufacturing where things are designed to wear out, which is called planned obsolescence. From a design perspective most designers desire to create the perfect product that will last and last without breaking down, wearing out or failing. I recall many years ago that someone produced a pair of…

  • God’s Promise To Everyone

    (Romans 4:6-12) When God originally chose a people to be his own special people He made a distinction and selected the people of Israel. He took these people as His own and He blessed them mightily so that they had a standard of living that was far greater than any of the other nations. But…

  • Healing Hands

    (Acts 28:7-10) One of the foundations of Christianity includes laying on of hands. There were six key foundational concepts recorded in the book of Hebrews. We see these foundations defined in Hebrews 6:1-2. 1 Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance…

  • Tribulations

    (Acts 14:19-28) There is a verse in this section of scripture that tells us what to expect in our walk with Christ. It is in stark contrast to much of what people believe about the life of a Christian and it gives us pause when we realise both the importance and significance of the path…

  • Russian Roulette

    (Acts 12:18-19) Are you familiar with the deadly game of Russian roulette? It is the nastiest game of gambling ever devised because the loser loses their life on a game of chance. It works like this. Assume a gun has a cylinder that spins and takes say six bullets. The cylinder is then emptied and…

  • Unlocking the Promises of God to the Gentiles

    (Acts 10:1-8) The time had now come in this section of the scripture where the next set of old prophecies concerning the new covenant were about to commence being fulfilled. While Simon Peter was lodging with Simon the tanner in Joppa, the roman centurion Cornelius was having a vision. An angel appeared to him at…

  • Promise of Salvation

    (Acts 2:36-41) As Peter concluded his oration on Pentecost Day we see the unfolding of the first massive calling to the people and the revelation of salvation. In these few words we find an example of the Great Commission that Jesus told the disciples they were to carry out. This day brought the beginnings of…

  • The Promise of the Holy Spirit

    (Acts 2:14-21) When John the Baptist was working in his ministry he spoke of Jesus saying that He was the one who would baptise people with the Holy Spirit. John baptised with water, but Jesus came and died so that we could be baptised with the Holy Spirit. After the disciples received the Holy Spirit…

  • I Am The Good Shepherd

    (John 10:11-15) There is a significant difference between Jesus and all others who came both before and after him. And not just because he was and is the Son of God. The big difference was in what he was prepared to do for those who love Him and the Father and His compassion and caring…