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Tag: Prejudice

  • Show no Partiality to Anyone

    If an Elder or leader in the church persists in sin, they are to be disciplined. We are to show no partiality to anyone

  • Having the right attitude as a Christian

    Having the right attitude as a Christian is vastly more important than looking good as a Christian. This is true for both men and women.

  • Jesus is the end of racial intolerance

    Jesus is the end of racial intolerance as it is through faith that all of the barriers that cause prejudice disappear. There cannot be racism in Jesus Christ because we seek to love as He loved us and there is no bigotry or racism in love.

  • No Partiality With God

    Partiality is an awful thing. Whether you call it favouritism or the darker descriptions of prejudice, discrimination, bias or inequity, it is an awful thing. Partiality is evil and so with God there is NO partiality.

  • God Shows No Partiality

    (Romans 2:6-11) People talk about the two great inevitabilities being death and taxes. However neither of those is inevitable as we can be set free from death in Jesus Christ and if you know how you can legally avoid taxes. But there is one thing that truly is an inevitability, and that is the God…

  • Breaking Down The Barriers

    (Acts 10:17-33) While Simon Peter was pondering the vision of the many unclean animals lowered for him to kill and eat, the men sent by the Roman centurion Cornelius arrived at the house of Simon the tanner asking for Peter. The Lord then instructed Peter through the Holy Spirit to go with these men without…

  • Prejudice, Bias and Judging by Appearances

    (John 9:13-17) In this world, judging by appearances is almost the norm. As humans we tend to make up our minds within seconds or minutes of meeting people for the first time and judge them according to our own set of biases or prejudices. But it is wrong to do so for often the basis…

  • Jesus Came to Call the Sinners

    (Mark 2:13-17) Jesus came to call the sinners and not the righteous. When he called Levi the tax collector in this section of Mark we see he went to his house and ate with the sinners and tax collectors. The scribes at that time looked down on Jesus for being with these people they thought…