Tag: Perfection
No Perfection Under the Law
(Hebrews 7:11-12 – No Perfection under the Law) These few verses hold a mystery that is often overlooked and not understood by many in the church today. This is clear from the things that are most often taught, especially with respect to the keeping of the law. The point is this, there is no perfection…
The full substance of truth in Jesus Christ
The full substance of truth is not found in the law but in Jesus Christ. The law is just a shadow of what is offered in Jesus Christ. SO we must seek righteousness not by works of law, but by faith in Christ.
The Mystery of Christ in You
The mystery of Christ in you has now been revealed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the New Covenant. Read here now to understand the revelation of this mystery and how it will change your life.
Forgiveness of Sins in Jesus Christ: The Truth
What does it mean to have forgiveness of sins, and do we really have forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ? The answer might surprise you, because in truth we don’t just have forgiveness of sins, but in Jesus Christ we have our sins taken away.
Leave the Past in the Past and Don’t Look Back
Continually throwing up the things of the past does us no good, and in fact does us great evil as Christians. The past is where our sin is and the ways of the world that we escaped when we came to Christ. Jesus has set us free from our sin and taken away the guilt…
The Two Flocks of Jesus Christ (Ep 58)
The Bible shows us that there are two flocks of Christians who will go into the eternal kingdom with Christ. There is the little flock and the large flock. The bulk of the ministry of Jesus Christ and the apostles was targetted towards the little flock as it is the aim of Jesus Christ that…
How to become perfect in the sight of God (Ep 57)
Perfection IS possible. In fact, if we are to live with Christ and God the Father in their eternal kingdom, perfection is essential. Matthew 5:48 says that we “…MUST be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect.” Because we MUST be perfect, then God MUST have provided the way we can become perfect. And He…
Pray For Perfection
(2 Corinthians 13:9-14) It is a common thing among Christians to think less of themselves than they should. By this I mean that many Christians seem to be constantly aware of sin and sinning and a great many live in guilt and self-condemnation. But here we see an interesting comment from Paul that shows a…
My Power is Made Perfect in Weakness
(2 Corinthians 12:1-10) Paul boasts in this section of scripture. But his boasts are not like the boasts of most men. Here we see Paul boasting of his weaknesses and failings, not his strengths or achievements, as most men would do. Paul understood that all of the things he did well, all of his learning…
Accepted For Who You Are
(2 Corinthians 8:1-12) There are many people in the church today who suffer needlessly. They believe that they are sinners and could never be acceptable to God, and so they live lives of gulit and self-condemnation. I am aware also of some churches that preach a similar dogma, stating that it is virtually impossible to…
Becoming Perfect
(2 Corinthians 7:1) Many times I have written that the purpose of the Christian faith is aimed at making believers perfect. In Christ we have the ability to become perfect, and we are told by Jesus Christ that we MUST become perfect if we are to stand before God. Jesus made tis comment as one…
Aiming For The Goal
(1 Corinthians 9:24-27) It's not blind faith. Being a Christian is not about wandering aimlessly about wondering where you are going and what's coming next. We as Christians have a specific goal we are aiming at. We have a specified path we must follow. We are being led by the Holy Spirit to the goal…