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Tag: Peace

  • Peace With God

    (Romans 5:1) The most wonderful thing about the grace of God and the process He has put in place through faith in His work in Jesus Christ is that we now can have peace with God. Are you aware that before coming to Christ you were actually at war with God? Did you know that…

  • Paul and Barnabas Split Up

    (Acts 15:36-41) Usually I post every third day or so, but it has been more than that since my last post here. The reason why is because I am baffled as to what to write since this section of scripture concerns the split in the partnership of the apostles Paul and Barnabas. One of the…

  • Breaking Down The Barriers

    (Acts 10:17-33) While Simon Peter was pondering the vision of the many unclean animals lowered for him to kill and eat, the men sent by the Roman centurion Cornelius arrived at the house of Simon the tanner asking for Peter. The Lord then instructed Peter through the Holy Spirit to go with these men without…

  • Victory in Jesus Christ

    (John 16:29-33) The Lord gives us great hope and a promise that all Christians should take comfort from in these few scriptures. There is also a warning, but with that warning a reminder that in Him we are safe. Is there anyone in Christ today who can say that since coming to Jesus all of…

  • The Peace of Christ

    (John 14:25-27) Peace! In this world just the very word is like water to a thirsty man. But there is a peace that is greater than anything in this world. The peace of God which passes all understanding, as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:7. And the peace of Christ is not like the peace we…

  • Things That Make for Peace

    (Luke 19:41-44) Here we see Jesus about to enter into Jerusalem leading up to his death, and we see him lamenting greatly over Jerusalem. He weeps openly over the fact that the people of the city were so hard of heart. He weeps because the people and the city were going to suffer, “…because you…

  • Peace on Earth?

    (Luke 12:51-53) At this time of the year we hear people saying, “Peace on earth” for this is part of the Christmas message. When Jesus was born, which by the way could not have been on 25th December…but that’s a discussion for another day, the angels appeared to shepherds saying, “Glory to God in the…