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Tag: Miracles

  • Healing the Sick

    It seems as though everyone in the early church was miraculously healed, either by the Lord or the Apostles. But this was not always the case as we see here in these verses. In these verses Epaphroditus was healed, but it was not a miraculous, instantaneous healing as is recorded so many times in the…

  • Gifts of The Spirit

    (1 Corinthians 12:8-11) In my last post I spoke of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit that is given to all people who are born of the spirit and who receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The manifestation of the spirit as spoken of by Paul in verse 7 of this chapter is clearly…

  • A Merciful God

    (Acts 20:1-12) There are many non-Christians who would like to paint God as being harsh, vindictive and one who metes out punishment for the smallest thing. They ask how could we Christians worship such a God and cite many of the harsh acts of judgement and the laws in the Old Testament as examples to…

  • Healing in a Virtual World

    (Acts 19:11-12) There is a practice in the church that The Lord has provided for His people to enable them to be healed of disease or other afflictions. That practice is described in James 5 and relates to the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. When this process is followed correctly the power…

  • Mistaken for Gods

    (Acts 14:8-18) This section of scripture has two very interesting insights. Paul and Barnabas had come to lustration and one of the first things they did as they were preaching the word was to heal a man who was a crippled from birth. It was this action that caused the people of Lystra to mistake…

  • Healing Aeneas

    (Acts 9:32-39) There were many healings and miracles done by the hands of the apostles and here again we see The Lord working through Peter to heal Aeneas. Aeneas was a very sick man. He had been bed ridden for eight years and unable to stand as ha was paralysed. We need to,understand too in…

  • Miracles of Faith in a Virtual World

    (Acts 5:12-16) We live in a virtual world these days. Much of what we do and how we connect with one another is done online. We have instantaneous access to information and people across the world by using the Internet. We make friends, find partners, do work and find entertainment in the virtual world. The…

  • In Jesus Name

    (Acts 4:1-12) In this world there are many religions, cults and sects. They all operate in the name of some so called deity or god and they invoke the name of their so called gods for all manner of things. By their gods they seek help, wealth, power and so on. But their gods are…

  • The Power of Jesus Name

    (Acts 3:1-16) As Peter and John came to the temple at the hour of prayer, they came upon a beggar laying at the temple gate seeking alms from the people. This beggar had not asked to be healed but simply looked at Peter and John asking them in the hope they may give him some…

  • Gifts of God

    (John 14:12-14 – Gifts of God) Is there any limit to what God can and will do for His people? Is there anything that He will not give His people if they ask for it? No. There is no limit to the love and generosity of the Lord. The gifts of God that He gives…

  • There Are None So Blind

    (John 9:35-41) Who is really blind? Is it those who have a problem preventing them from using their eyes or is it those who have perfect vision but choose not to see? Is it not the second group? As the saying goes, there are none so blind as those who will not see. This is…

  • It’s Bleeding Obvious!

    (John 9:24-34) When something is “bleeding obvious” shouldn’t you accept it? When something is as plain as the nose on your face, should you not just believe and accept it? Are you likely to say, “No that thing on my face between my eyes is NOT a nose. I don’t believe it!” Of course you…