Tag: Kingdom of God

  • Labourers in the Vineyard

    (Matthew 20:1-16) The labourers in the vineyard parable is interesting as it divides our thoughts between matters of the flesh and the spirit. When we look at it through eyes of flesh it is not fair. But when we look at it through God’s eyes and consider the promise of God it is perfectly fair…

  • Hard for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

    (Matthew 19:23-26) The Lord says that it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact he says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why is that so? What is…

  • Perfection in Jesus Christ

    (Matthew 19:16-22) Is perfection in Jesus Christ possible? Is it possible to become a perfect man at all? And what is the requirement for having eternal life? Jesus answered all of these questions in this section of the Bible. And it is interesting for it flies in the face of much of what is taught…

  • No Gatekeepers between Man and God

    (Matthew 19:13-15) At this time the people were bringing children to Jesus to have him lay his hands on them and pray. They were seeking for the Lord to bless their children. However as often happens, the people around the Lord, his disciples, were “running interference” to try and “protect” Jesus from these interruptions. Imagine…

  • Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    (Matthew 18:1-6) The disciples came to Jesus to ask who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. This is a common thought of man. When we look at things like the Guinness book of records we see a collection of the most outstanding achievements of mankind in all disciplines. When we think about the…

  • The Sons Are Free

    (Matthew 17:24-27) There are a number of lessons in this short section to do with the paying of the temple tax. Under the Mosaic Law there was a tax to be paid to the temple. When asked if Jesus paid the tax peter responded that he did. Jesus used this instance to give Peter and…

  • On this Rock I will build my Church

    (Matthew 16:13-20) When Jesus came to Caesarea Philippi he asked the disciples who men thought that he was. They replied, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” When he asked whom the disciples believed he was, Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the…

  • The Good the Bad and the Ugly

    (Matthew 13:47-50) This parable of the kingdom is about the end of the time when Jesus comes to judge the world. We saw earlier that he will allow the weeds to grow with the wheat and they will be separated at the end of the days. This parable is saying much the same. The net…

  • Parable of the Merchant Seeking Pearls

    (Matthew 13:45-46) This parable is similar to the previous one where a man finds a great treasure in a field and covers it until he can buy the field. However a few nuances make this parable slightly different. In that previous parable (verse 44) the man discovers a treasure hidden in the filed. He didn’t…

  • Hidden Treasure Parable

    (Matthew 13:44) What would you do if you found a hidden treasure in a field? Let’s say you found gold nuggets or diamonds. Would you go and tell everyone about it? Would you tell people where you found it? Not likely. The hidden treasure parable is saying the same thing. The hidden treasure parable tells…

  • The Kingdom of God is Within You – Parable of the Leaven

    (Matthew 13:33) This short parable of the leaven is talking about the kingdom of God within you. It is similar to the previous parable of mustard seed, but there are some marked differences. There are many commentators who have placed a negative connotation on this parable of the leaven because Jesus uses the analogy of…

  • Who will go into God’s Kingdom?

    (Matthew 7:21-23)   Jesus tells us in this section of scripture that not everyone will go into God’s Kingdom. There are many who appear to be righteous that will miss out.   It is not enough to call on the name of the Lord to gain entry into God’s Kingdom. Jesus says here that not…