Tag: Jesus Death
Jesus Nailed to the Stake
(Luke 23:32-43) Here we see that the Lord has been taken away to Golgotha to web nailed to the stake along with two criminals. But even while Thais is occurring the Lord provides lessons for those who were there and for us also. Even the criminals give us a lesson that we can learn from.…
Jesus Led Away to Die
(Luke 23:26-31) As I was studying this section of scripture, I became fascinated by one verse, which I had never taken much notice of before. This section talks about Jesus being led away to die and provides the detail of how Simon of Cyrene is compelled to assist carry the beam for Jesus and Jesus…
Jesus Warns the Disciples Going to Jerusalem
(Luke 18:31-34) Jesus understood the reason why He had come to the earth. He was under no illusions as to what his purpose and role were. But he also knew that when the time came his disciples would not understand. As such he began to prepare them for what was to come when he journeyed…
Burial of Jesus
(Mark 15:40-47) After Jesus had died we see there were some women looking on from afar. They included Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, Joses and Salome, who was actually Jesus’ mother. When he had been taken down Joseph of Arimathea, who was a respected member of the council, took courage and went…
Death Of Jesus
(Mark 15:33-39) The death of Jesus from a human perspective is one of the saddest and most unjust events of all time. He suffered and died the death of a criminal when in truth he had done no wrong. However there is another aspect to the death of Jesus which for mankind is the greatest…
Jesus Led Away to Death
(Mark 15:16-32) Jesus had been tried, convicted and condemned in a kangaroo court. There was no justice and the greatest casualty of the process was the truth. He was taken off to his death on the basis of lies. Adding insult to injury he was mocked and belittled by the soldiers who led him away.…
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
(Mark 10:32-34) Jesus was well aware of his purpose on this earth. He came to be the perfect sacrifice so that man could be reconciled to God. He came to die so that we would have the chance to live. He spoke about this on several occasions with his disciples. His aim by doing this…
Jesus Resurrection Cover up by the Priests
(Matthew 28:11-15) After Jesus had risen from the grave, the soldiers guarding him went back to the priests and reported all that had happened. It is unimaginable to think what went through the minds of the priests. They believed they had finally killed and gotten rid of Jesus just a few short days ago in…
The Burial of Jesus
(Matthew 27:57-66) After Jesus had died, a rich man named Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple, went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus. He took the body and prepared it for burial by wrapping it in a linen shroud and laying it in his own brand new tomb hewn into a…
Signs Attending the Death of Jesus
(Matthew 27:51-54) When Jesus yielded up his spirit there were signs attending his death. The most significant of these was the curtain in the temple that separates the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place was torn in two from top to bottom. This was no ordinary curtain. It separated the Ark of…
The Death of Jesus
(Matthew 27:45-50) After Jesus had been nailed to the stake we see darkness descend over the earth for three hours. Some say that there was a solar eclipse at this time. However a solar eclipse lasts only minutes as the moon passes across the face of the sun. In this case twilight and darkness covered…
Jesus Nailed to the Stake
(Matthew 27:32-44) To all the readers of this blog: I will be away for the next two weeks until the end of April 2011 and unsure of internet access. I will attempt to keep posting during that time but cannot guarantee there will be a post every day. Thank you for reading my blog and…