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Tag: Growth

  • Seeing Growth in the Church

    Seeing growth in the church is dependent upon both faith and love, and growth can only occur when we follow Christ according to the pattern He established.

  • Imitate to Learn and Grow in Christ

    When we imitate to learn and grow in Christ, we are not being fake, we are trying to improve.

  • Imitate and Grow

    Imitation is necessary. It is by imitation that we learn and grow and that is the point of this scripture today. Imitation is not being false or fake. It is a necessary skill that we all learn as children and should not be shunned as adults. There are some excellent examples of imitation that prove…

  • Growing in Love

    As Christians we have been called to learn how to love God and to love one another as Christ loved us. This does not come automatically. It takes time to learn to love someone. Love begins with knowing the other person, then understanding where they are coming from, then trusting them and finally loving them.

  • Maturity in Christ

    (Ephesians 4:11-13) This post extends the message of the last post where we looked at the five ministry gifts given by God to the church. God gave gifts to the members of the church so that the church would grow and mature. Those who receive these gifts work together with God to bring about the…

  • You Will Reap What You Sow

    (Galatians 6:7-8) This principle we are looking at today should be classified as one of the underlying principles that uphold the universe. It is certainly universally understood and recognised in all walks of life. You reap what you sow is truth. There is no getting around it. You cannot expect to receive something if you…

  • True Authority

    (2 Corinthians 10:8) True authority is meant to be used in a manner that helps people. The power of governments and other authorities is meant to provide assistance for those who are in need. True authority should enable those who have authority to encourage, help and lift those over whom the authority exists. Unfortunately though,…

  • Growth

    (1 Corinthians 3:5-9) As Christians we are called to walk with Jesus and to grow into maturity in and through Him. Growth is a crucial part of this walk as Paul writes here and he shows us that growth is not something any person can generate. Growth comes from God and only from God. We…

  • Enlightened by the Holy Spirit

    (Acts 23:1-11) Here we see that the Roman authorities had been puzzled as to the negative and violent reaction of the Jews against Paul on his return to Jerusalem. They had intended to flog Paul with whips to find the truth of the matter, but stopped short on discovering he was a Roman citizen. Their…

  • The Lords work WILL Be Done

    (Acts 5:21-26) Think about Jonah. He tried to escape from doing the work of The Lord by running away to sea. Did he get very far? Nope! The Lord brought a storm down, threatening to sink the boat Jonah was on until the sailors threw him overboard to be swallowed by the great fish. The…

  • Peter Denying Christ

    (Mark 14:66-72) After Jesus had been arrested and taken away, Peter followed at a distance, entered the courtyard and was warming himself at the fire. He was recognised by one of the maids of the high priest and subsequently by other bystanders as having been amongst the disciples of Jesus. Three times this happened and…

  • Growth in the Kingdom of God

    (Mark 4:26-29) Jesus tells us in this section what growth in the kingdom of God is like. He says it is like someone sowing a seed which then germinates, sprouts and grows until it reaches matureity and is harvested. How this occurs nobody knows for the process of growth and life of a seed or…