Tag: Grace

  • A Merciful God

    (Acts 20:1-12) There are many non-Christians who would like to paint God as being harsh, vindictive and one who metes out punishment for the smallest thing. They ask how could we Christians worship such a God and cite many of the harsh acts of judgement and the laws in the Old Testament as examples to…

  • Stephen! Murdered! Martyred!

    (Acts 6:8-15) Stephen was the first of the martyrs for Jesus Christ as far as we know. He was put to death for his beliefs and for preaching the gospel. Now you would have to REALLY upset someone for them to go to such extremes. What I mean is that Stephen was a God fearing…

  • The Woman Caught In Adultery – Part 2

    (John 8:1-11) In my previous post I looked at the aspects of legalism that come from this teaching of the woman caught in adultery. Today we should explore the other side of this teaching, for it is a wondrous message and shows how the Lord has taken us from the darkness of that legalistic situation…

  • Grace and Truth Came through Jesus Christ

    (John 1:14-18) The first chapter of John is packed with messages that go to the very core of the Christian message. This paragraph is no exception. Here we see the witness of John, who the Word is and what the basis of His message is and was for mankind. We see the very reason why…

  • Cleansing the Leper

    (Luke 5:12-16) It is important for us to understand the will of the Lord and to believe in it. The power of the will of God is mighty indeed and it is to our benefit when we know his will, understand it and believe. Here in these few scriptures we see a prime example of…