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Tag: Gentiles Reconciled

  • Reconciled by Jesus

    In Jesus Christ, God provided the way by which we can be reconciled to Him and return to the state of perfection that was originally planned for mankind.

  • Episode 38 – Reconciled to God

    There are a number of reasons for why Jesus was sacrificed for us and His death had many effects and purposes. But the primary purpose was to reconcile man to God.

  • Reconciled To God

    (2 Corinthians 5:18-21) Reconciliation is an interesting word and process. It is used in many different senses, but in all cases it means the same things. Reconciliation is a process of coming together to bring two (or more) things into alignment and into balance. In business we see accountants who reconcile accounts to ensure the…

  • Stumbling Forward

    (Romans 11:12-13) Israel stumbled. They fell from the grace of God. They became hard of heart and stiff-necked not willing to bow before the true God but turning aside to false gods and to gratification of the flesh. They chose to seek a form of self-righteousness through works of law rather than following in the…

  • Spiritual Israel

    (Romans 10:18-21) When Jesus walked this earth He brought a message of hope for man, not just the people of Israel but for all of mankind. God had a plan for the people of this world and the message of Jesus Christ and the gospel of salvation was intended to unite the peoples of the…

  • Opening Up Gods Mercy

    (Romans 9:19-29) There was a time before Jesus Christ came to the earth when God saw fit to select one nation for Himself to whom He would show mercy. That nations was of course Israel and grew from the basis of the faith of Abraham. All the other nations of the time were under condemnation…

  • Gentiles Reconciled

    (Acts 10:44-48) Here we see the culmination of all the preparation work The Lord had been doing with both the Jews and the Gentiles to bring about the great reconciliation work of the new covenant. As Peter was preaching we see the final changes take place that forever levels the playing field between the Jews…

  • Peter First Speaks to the Gentiles

    (Acts10:34-43) The time had come! The Gentiles were about to receive the word of The Lord for the first time from the mouth of Peter. The household and friends of Cornelius the Roman centurion had come together as directed by the angel of The Lord and Peter had come to them also as directed by…

  • Breaking Down The Barriers

    (Acts 10:17-33) While Simon Peter was pondering the vision of the many unclean animals lowered for him to kill and eat, the men sent by the Roman centurion Cornelius arrived at the house of Simon the tanner asking for Peter. The Lord then instructed Peter through the Holy Spirit to go with these men without…

  • Rise Peter, Kill and Eat

    (Acts 10:9-16) In my last post we looked at the way The Lord was preparing to unlock the secrets of the gospel and the promises for the Gentiles that were promised. Jesus was spoken of as being a light to the Gentiles and in Him the Gentiles would have hope. In this section we now…

  • Unlocking the Promises of God to the Gentiles

    (Acts 10:1-8) The time had now come in this section of the scripture where the next set of old prophecies concerning the new covenant were about to commence being fulfilled. While Simon Peter was lodging with Simon the tanner in Joppa, the roman centurion Cornelius was having a vision. An angel appeared to him at…

  • Where there is Life there is Hope

    (Matthew 12:15-21) Jesus left the area knowing that the Pharisees were taking counsel and conspiring how to destroy him. But still his fame and reputation grew, for the people came to him and all who were sick and infirm he healed. However he was not seeking fame or notoriety, for in all cases he ordered…