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Tag: Freedom

  • Hosanna In The Highest

    (John 12:12-19) When Jesus entered into Jerusalem the final time, his fame had spread far and wide. The people recognised His power and kingship as they spread branches of palm trees on the ground and cried out praises like, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,” and “Hosanna in the Highest.”…

  • The Truth Will Make You Free

    (John 8:31-38) This is a scripture of the Bible that is often quoted. So many, many times I have heard people say, “The truth will make you free.” And it is not just in Christian circles that this is quoted. But how many people know what it is really talking about? How often do the…

  • Are You A Sinner?

    (John 8:23-30) Are you a sinner? That is a question that truly plagues the church at large today. Most people in the church today say that, “I am a sinner, saved by Grace.” But is this correct? Are you really a sinner? Jesus in this section of scripture says to the Jews in verse 24,…

  • Jesus Came to Save, Not to Condemn

    (John 3:17-18) Quite often you hear people talk about how hard it is to be a Christian. They talk about all the rules and regulations and laws and how if you make a mistake you’ll be condemned to hellfire and brimstone. Unbelievers in particular talk about God as if he were ready to damn every…

  • Grace and Truth Came through Jesus Christ

    (John 1:14-18) The first chapter of John is packed with messages that go to the very core of the Christian message. This paragraph is no exception. Here we see the witness of John, who the Word is and what the basis of His message is and was for mankind. We see the very reason why…

  • The Resurrection of the Lord

    (Luke 24:1-12). The most fundamental teaching of the new covenant and the core principle of Christianity is the resurrection of the dead. Without the resurrection the rest of the christian covenant does not hold together. It is through the resurrection of Jesus that man receives release from his sins and the freedom from law so…

  • Jesus Fulfilled the Law

    (Luke 6:17-19) After appointing the twelve we see Jesus comes down from the mountain and is greeted by a great crowd of people. His fame had spread considerably and his ministry was well into stride at this time. At this point he is about to commence what has become known as the sermon on the…

  • Rise and Walk

    (Luke 5:17-26) When Jesus was healing the paralytic let down through the roof he asked the Pharisees which was easier; to say “Rise and walk” or to say, “You sins are forgiven.” This is an interesting question and shows again both the power of God and how Jesus views the world in a different way…

  • Spreading the Gospel

    (Luke 4:42-44) Jesus quite often went into the wilderness and desolate places. It was perhaps the only time he could get a moment of space to pray and speak to God. In this section of scripture he goes into a desolate place but is followed by the people who would have kept him from departing…

  • Jesus Heals the Sick

    (Luke 4:38-41) In many places through the gospels, Jesus heals the sick and casts out demons. This was a significant part of the message of Jesus and also part of the work of the Apostles when they commenced their ministry. In fact when Jesus first sent them out in pairs it was to preach the…

  • Casting Out Demons

    (Luke 4:31-37) It was evident that the demons knew who Jesus was. In this section of scripture we see a man possessed by a demon and the demon crying out to Jesus, “Ah! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the…

  • Freedom and Liberty

    (Luke 4:14-21) Here we see the beginning of Jesus ministry where he speaks of the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah. The prophecy said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and…