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Tag: False Prophets

  • Beware the False Teachers

    Throughout the Bible we are warned to beware the false teachers. They are not on the side of God but have come only to destroy the church.

  • Take the Whole Armour of God

    One of the things we learn as we grow in Jesus Christ is that we are at war. Every minute of the day and in every circumstance we may find ourselves in places where we are being attacked spiritually and sometimes verbally or even physically. If we are to wage this spiritual war effectively, then…

  • Growing in Christ

    (Ephesians 4:14) In my last two posts I looked at the ministry gifts given to the Church by God. I considered “what” those gifts are and how they worked in the Church. I also looked at the reason God gave these gifts, which was to bring Christians to maturity in Christ. God wants His people…

  • Bewitched

    (Galatians 3:1-3) Occasionally when we read the text of the Bible, we come across some issues with translation, where the original Greek text is quite different to the English translation. In verse 1 there are several extra words in about a quarter of the translations that are missing from the others. There are also a…

  • False Apostles

    (2 Corinthians 11:7-15) We are warned many times in the Bible about false teachers, false prophets, and here Paul also warns about false apostles. Paul’s concern is that there were people going around the churches, supposedly preaching and teaching the word, but ho were in actual fact seeking their own ends. They were looking for…

  • False Spirits

    (Acts 16:16-18) Do not believe everything you see and hear! That is the warning we get from this section of scripture. There is truth and then there are words and teachings that sound like truth but are not. Paul discovered this when he was in Philippi and was being followed by a slave girl who…

  • Jesus Ascends Into Heaven

    (Acts1:9-14) In this section of scripture we see what occurs when Jesus departs front the earth to return to the Father. This scripture describes the final moments, the last conversation and the method of His leaving the earth. Contained in these words too is a powerful message of His second coming when He will return…

  • Follow Me

    (John 21:20-23) The last two words of verse 19 in this chapter of John were “Follow me.” These two words are repeated by Jesus in many places throughout the New Testament and we see in this section just how focused and how important it is that we heed these two words of Jesus Christ. These…

  • Martyred

    (John 16:1-4) Over the centuries there have been many righteous people martyred for the sake of what they believe. In this section Jesus warns those of His followers that this would be the case. He says that some will be put to death for the sake of their faith and their service to God, just…

  • I Am The Good Shepherd

    (John 10:11-15) There is a significant difference between Jesus and all others who came both before and after him. And not just because he was and is the Son of God. The big difference was in what he was prepared to do for those who love Him and the Father and His compassion and caring…

  • Jesus Knew What Was in Man

    (John 2:23-25) Whom should you trust? Who can you trust and know that you will be OK in all situations? Until you really know a person it is not wise to entrust yourself to them as people will take advantage of others if they have the opportunity. In this section of scripture we see that…

  • Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers

    (Matthew Chapter 7, Verses 15-20) One of the greatest challenges all Christians face when trying to seek out the truth is…who do you believe. Jesus warned us in this section about being careful to spot and avoid false prophets or false teachers. If we choose to follow the wrong teachings from one of these people…