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Tag: Confirming the Gospel

  • The Armour of God – The Gospel of Peace (Ep 63)

    The third piece of spiritual armour we must take is to have our feet shod with the equipment of the gospel of peace. The analogy to shoes is a good one as we are called in Christ to walk in peace with Him as we work out our salvation. Listen to this podcast now to…

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Unstoppable

    Depending on who you listen to, there is talk in the world today that the church is dead or dying and that Christianity is no longer relevant in the modern world. Others however show that the Christianity is growing at a tremendous pace, faster than any other religion in the world. What is the truth…

  • The Gospel Message

    (Romans 1:16-17) There are a few scriptures in the bible that succinctly and clearly sum up key or critical messages of the gospel of Christianity. These few verses are one of those examples and thy tell us much in a very few words. In these few words we see what the function of the gospel…

  • The Conversion of Saul

    (Acts 9:1-9) One of the most amazing events in the book of Acts was the transformation that took place in the life of Saul who became the apostle Paul. The mechanism of his conversion was so amazing hat it is no wonder he was rocked to the very core and spun about one hundred and…

  • Peter Convicts The Jews

    (Acts 2:25-36) Peter stood with the disciples on the Day of Pentecost and with a voice powered by the Holy Spirit he spoke and convicted the people of Jerusalem over the death of Jesus. He showed them in no uncertain terms from the scriptures that they all were familiar with, that they had put to…

  • Sending out the Seventy

    (Luke 10:1-15) Often we think that Jesus worked only through the twelve disciples, but here we see that he sent out seventy of his followers to do ministry in and about the region. He gave all of them the authority to heal the sick as he charged them to preach the gospel of the kingdom.…

  • Your Sins are Forgiven

    (Mark 2:1-12) These words are a tremendous comfort to Christians. When Jesus says these words to us through his gospel it lifts a great weight from our shoulders. Even more than this, under the New Covenant Jesus says not only are our sins forgiven, but also they are completely taken away. In this section we…

  • Spreading the Gospel

    (Mark 1:35-45) Jesus began spreading the gospel at this time as he went from town to town. As he preached he healed the people who were sick and cast out many demons. In this section we see that he arose early, well before dawn and left the town where he was to move on to…

  • Healing the Sick

    (Mark 1:29-34) After Jesus had left the synagogue he went to the home of Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. There he was told that Peter’s mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Jesus went to her and healed her and the sickness left her and she arose and served them. There are a couple of…