Tag: Baptism
Why Jesus Died
(John 16:4-7) There are many advantages to being a Christian and knowing Jesus Christ. The full number of them may never be known by us as individuals. However in this section of scripture we see that Jesus points to the specific advantage that we received not through His coming, but by His going. By this…
I Am In The Father
(John 14:7-11) Jesus and the Father were inseparable. They thought alike, acted alike and worked together as one. In this scripture we see the depth of their relationship when Jesus says to Philip, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?” (Verse 10) So close were they that…
Jesus Is The Way
(John 14:4-7) The Bible tells us that Jesus is the way to eternal life and salvation. He said in this scripture that, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” So this makes it pretty clear that if we want to find the road to eternity, we need to recognise that Jesus is…
You Are Clean
(John 13:7-11) This post continues the discussion of Jesus washing the disciples feet. In his conversation with Peter, Jesus said, “You are clean.” He went on though to show they were not all clean for He knew Judas was unclean and was to betray Him. Now it is evident that by these words when Jesus…
Lazarus Resurrected
(John 11:38-44) The resurrection of Lazarus was a pivotal moment in the work that the Lord did while He was on the earth. In this one moment and action He showed mankind that He truly did have the power over life and death. The teachings that He gave while carrying out this work were equally…
I Am The Door
(John 10:7-9) If you are going anywhere you have to enter by the door. Jesus tells us it’s the same if we want to enter the kingdom of God. To enter His kingdom we must also enter by the door. The problem is that many will not enter by the door and in fact many…
The Truth Will Make You Free
(John 8:31-38) This is a scripture of the Bible that is often quoted. So many, many times I have heard people say, “The truth will make you free.” And it is not just in Christian circles that this is quoted. But how many people know what it is really talking about? How often do the…
Eating the Flesh and Blood of Christ
(John 6:52-65) What on earth is going on here? Is the Lord suggesting we become cannibals or vampires? He is saying that we need to eat his flesh and drink his blood, which sounds pretty sick. In fact there are laws in the Old Testament that strictly forbid such practices, so what is going on…
You Must be Born Again
(John 3:1-8) One of the most common sayings among Christians today is that you must be born again. And yet I often wonder how many times people using this expression truly understand what it means. The implications of these few words are mind boggling, as Nicodemus discovered when Jesus explained it to him in this…
Behold, the Lamb of God
(John 1:29-34) The gospel of John is incredibly powerful. It contains so much knowledge and teaching that it can only have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. One of the problems with this simplicity of the gospel of John is that it is easy to miss important teachings and concepts. As an example, this single…
Jesus and John the Baptist
(Luke 7:24-30) Who was John the Baptist? There is not much spoken about him and yet Jesus made the comment in this section of scripture saying, “I tell you, among those born of women none is greater than John” (Verse 28) Incredible words for a man we know very little about. When you consider some…
John the Baptist’s Ministry
(Luke 3:1-6) In the beginning of Luke 3 we see the commencement of John the Baptists ministry. John came to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus and to get the people ready for Jesus by turning them back to God. His primary ministry was to speak about the need for repentance and he came…