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Tag: Baptism

  • Righteousness By Faith

    (Romans 10:1-4) One of the key differences between the old and the new covenants is the process and methods of righteousness. In these few verses we see this contrast described from the perspective of where the nation of Israel, and in particular the Jews went wrong. The important point to note is this. There is…

  • How Freedom From Law Works

    (Romans 7:2-4) In my last post we saw why it is necessary that we are set free from the law to negate and remove the power of sin so that God can help us to grow mature in Jesus Christ. In these next few verses of Romans 7 we see how this works and we…

  • The Law Ends At Death

    (Romans 7:1) The title of this post may seem to be blindingly obvious because who can possibly break the law after they have died? It’s impossible to even consider such a thing isn’t it? Absolutely! Once a person dies they can’t do anything, say anything, act or behave in any way at all. So how…

  • You Are NOT Under Law

    (Romans 6:14) A few posts back I wrote a post titled “You are NOT a Sinner.” The underlying reason for that post is that God has set you free from sin and taken your sins away through the saving and cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. The principles for the release from sin was established in…

  • Change Your Behaviour

    (Romans 6:12-13) In my last post we saw from the writing of Paul that when we come to Jesus and take on His death as our own through faith and by the grace of God, we are no longer sinners. We are no longer held accountable and condemned as sinners for we have moved from…

  • You Are NOT a Sinner

    (Romans 6:1-11) If there is one issue that Christians struggle with it is how they stand in relation to sin after coming to The Lord. I would like you to read the title of this post once again before I go on. Done that? Good! So let me repeat it…you are NOT a sinner. And…

  • The Power Of One

    (Romans 5:15-19) We see in this section how the actions of two men, acting as individuals, have changed the fates of all humanity. One brought death and destruction to all of mankind. The other promises reconciliation and life to all mankind. Both of these men began in similar circumstances but the outcomes of their lives…

  • Christians And The Law

    (Romans 3:27-31) One of the most difficult aspects of Christianity for people to come to grips with is how they stand in relation to the laws given by Moses. Part of the reason for this confusion is contained in this scripture which says in verse 31: Do we then overthrow the law by this faith?…

  • All Have Sinned

    (Romans 3:23) This is one of those verses that is often quoted by Christians as evidence of the sinful nature of man and showing that all mankind are sinners. The verse says, “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” And it is true. All of mankind has sinned and all…

  • Baptism and Receiving the Holy Spirit

    (Acts 19:1-6) There are six foundational teachings that underpin the practice of Christianity as taught in the bible. These are found in Hebrews 6:1-2 which says, 1 Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward…

  • Preaching the Word

    (Acts 16:6-15) In this section of scripture we see Paul and his associates travelling through parts of the old world preaching to the people in different cities and regions. There are a few insights we can gather from what they did and how they approached the people. It is worth looking at these to see…

  • Baptising the Ethiopian

    (Acts 8:26-40) Philip had spent some time in Samaria but was then directed by The Lord through the Holy Spirit to move on. He was instructed to go down the road from Jerusalem to Gaza as there was more work for him to do. This was a significant road and there were people moving along…