Christians are at war in the Spirit, but to fight this they need to be prepared and ready. This FREE spiritual warfare training program dives deep into how to wage this war and win. Join the SPIRITUAL WARFARE TRAINING PROGRAM here.

  • Why did Jesus die?

    (Hebrews 2:5-9 – Why did Jesus die?) Jesus came to the earth to preach the good news of salvation and the kingdom of God. He walked the earth for about thirty three years and all of His teaching was done in the last three and a half years before He was cruelly put to death.…

  • Ministry of the Holy Spirit

    (Hebrews 1:5-14 – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit) One of the great mysteries of the Bible is to understand who the Holy Spirit is. But in this section of Hebrews chapter 1, we learn a lot regarding who the Holy Spirit is from the ministry of the Holy Spirit and ministering angels. If you…

  • Who is the Son of God

    One of the most significant questions in the world today is, who is the son of God. The beginning of the book of Hebrews answers that question

  • Godly Love

    Godly love is at the root of the letter of Paul to Philemon. Here today we see that godly love in action as Paul seeks reconciliation.

  • Brotherly Love

    Brotherly love is a key characteristic that Christians need to aim at, and here we learn what drastic steps are needed when it goes wrong.

  • Walking In Love

    When we look at scriptures on walking in love, this one may not immediately come to mind. But it is a fine example that we can learn from.

  • A Good Christian

    There is much to learn, and many things to apply in life in these few verses of Philemon about what it means to be a good Christian.

  • House Church

    A house church offers many benefits that are not available to large churches. In fact most of the early churches were house churches.

  • Practising the Love of God

    We learn to walk in the love of God by practising the love of God. And it is essential we learn the love of God if we are to live in His kingdom.

  • The Trouble with Controversies

    The trouble with conspiracies is that they lead to quarreling and dissension. They are of no value to Christians and should be avoided at all cost, as too should those who promote such contentions.

  • Living a Christ-like Life

    (Titus 3:8 – Living a Christ-like Life) One of the things all Christians must learn and understand is about living a Christ-like life. When a person comes to Christ it is often because they have hit rock bottom emotionally or spiritually. Christ came to help those who are suffering. When we are living a Christ-like…

  • The Salvation of God

    Ever since Adam and Eve were thrown out of Eden, the whole world has been awaiting the salvation of God. It arrived in the person of Jesus.