Category: Romans 1

  • When God Gave Up

    (Romans 1:24-32) Can you imagine the possibility where God gives up? How bad must a situation become if God gives up? Well it has happened! In this section of scripture Paul writes and describes not once but three times where God gave up. Three times in this section we see that God gave up on…

  • Seeing But Not Believing

    (Romans 1:18-23) They say there are none so blind as they who will not see. And this is an apt and accurate description for those who choose to reject a God and seek to understand the world around us without accepting His sovereign power. They also say that seeing is believing and many reject God…

  • The Gospel Message

    (Romans 1:16-17) There are a few scriptures in the bible that succinctly and clearly sum up key or critical messages of the gospel of Christianity. These few verses are one of those examples and thy tell us much in a very few words. In these few words we see what the function of the gospel…

  • Romans

    (Romans 1:1-15) Today we commence looking at the letter of Paul to the Romans and even in the introductory sentences we see some insights that help us to understand what this letter was about and why it was written the way it was. For some reason I often thought that this letter was written after…