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Category: Philippians 3

  • Not of this world: Spiritual lives of Christians

    As Christians, we are truly only visiting this planet. As the scripture says, our commonwealth is in heaven and even though our physical bodies reside on this earth, our spiritual selves are with Christ. We are not of this world, and this fact is highlighted in a number of places.

  • Enemies of Christ inside the Church

    It is sad to say, but not all who come to Christ will stay with Him. The call will go out to many people around the world, but some will outright reject the call, others will fall away for some reason and worse yet, others will see Christianity as a means for personal power or…

  • Imitate and Grow

    Imitation is necessary. It is by imitation that we learn and grow and that is the point of this scripture today. Imitation is not being false or fake. It is a necessary skill that we all learn as children and should not be shunned as adults. There are some excellent examples of imitation that prove…

  • Leave the Past in the Past and Don’t Look Back

    Continually throwing up the things of the past does us no good, and in fact does us great evil as Christians. The past is where our sin is and the ways of the world that we escaped when we came to Christ. Jesus has set us free from our sin and taken away the guilt…

  • Seek Christ and Gain Everything

    There is nothing that remotely compares to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Paul recognised this, calling all the gains that he had from his former life as a Pharisee nothing but refuse or garbage. In this post, find out why this is so and what we need to do about it.

  • No confidence in the flesh

    Too many people today are lost in the ideal of belief in oneself. We cannot save ourselves. Only Jesus Christ saves. It is far better to put no confidence in the flesh and to believe in Christ Jesus and God the Father than to rely on ourselves. This post gives insight into these issues.

  • Look Out!

    Paul warns us about different groups of people who would try to tear us down and take us away from the truth of Jesus Christ. His concerns are not just about those in the world, but also those who penetrate the church to work a different kind of evil.

  • Rejoice in the Lord

    At this time of year, there are many Christians who will rejoice in the Lord. The birth of any child is a reason for great rejoicing and more so when the Saviour of the world was born. We saw how even heaven rejoiced when the angels of God filled the air with song at His…