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Category: Mark 1

  • Spreading the Gospel

    (Mark 1:35-45) Jesus began spreading the gospel at this time as he went from town to town. As he preached he healed the people who were sick and cast out many demons. In this section we see that he arose early, well before dawn and left the town where he was to move on to…

  • Healing the Sick

    (Mark 1:29-34) After Jesus had left the synagogue he went to the home of Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. There he was told that Peter’s mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Jesus went to her and healed her and the sickness left her and she arose and served them. There are a couple of…

  • The Authority of Jesus

    (Mark 1:21-28) When Jesus had called the disciples he went from Galilee into Capernaum and taught the people. On a Sabbath as he stood and taught in the synagogue the people were astonished for he taught them as one who had authority. In this section of Mark we see the beginning of the authority of…

  • Call of the First Disciples

    (Mark 1:16-20) After Jesus had returned from his forty days in the wilderness he commenced his ministry. While walking by the Sea of Galilee he saw fishermen, including Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John. To them he said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Verse 17) They would certainly have been…

  • Repent and Believe in the Gospel

    (Mark 1:14-15) Jesus commenced his ministry after returning from the wilderness where he was tempted by the devil. He commenced his work with these critical words, repent and believe in the gospel, which is the good news. Jesus brought the good news to mankind that there was coming a way for man to come into…

  • Jesus in the Wilderness

    (Mark 1:12-13) After his baptism, Jesus was taken out into the wilderness for forty days where he fasted and was tempted by Satan. Mark’s account says very little about this event, but it is significant and one from which we can learn much. First we must understand that Jesus was tempted in the same ways…

  • The Baptism of Jesus

    (Mark 1:9-11) The baptism of Jesus was a significant event. It marked the beginning of his ministry as it was from that point on that he began to preach the good news of the gospel. But there are other significant matters pertaining to the baptism of Jesus that we need to understand as well. John…

  • Baptism and John The Baptist

    (Mark 1:1-10) The Gospel of Mark is shorter than the other three gospels. It seems to me that it is in many ways included as witness to many of the events in the other three gospels, although it does have some quite different insights of it’s own. While Matthew seemed to focus on the fulfilment…