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Category: Luke

  • Jesus Heals the Demoniac

    (Luke 8:26-39) Jesus came to the land or region of the Gerasenes and met a man possessed with demons. When Jesus cast the demons out he asked their name and they responded saying, “Legion; for many demons had entered him.” (Verse 30) The Legion of Demons The use of this name is interesting for it…

  • Jesus Calmed the Storm

    (Luke 8:22-25) There is much that can be taken from this section of scripture where Jesus calmed the storm. This teaching gives us insight as well as encouragement and comfort for those times when we are surrounded by the storms of life. When we have faith in Jesus, we know that He has the power…

  • The Family of Jesus, the Family of God

    (Luke 8:19-21) While Jesus was speaking to the people one time, his mother and brothers were trying to reach him to speak with him but could not. So they sent a message via the crowd asking to speak with him. The Family of Jesus Now these few verses contain some interesting details about Jesus. First,…

  • No one Hides a Light under a Bushel

    (Luke 8:16-18) What is it that everybody on this earth thinks they have? This is not about possessions or any of the material things of this life. There is a deep meaning in the few words of the above section of scripture. Take heed how you hear This is a warning from the Lord. Be…

  • The Parable of the Sower

    (Luke 8:4-15) The parable of the sower has a vast array of meanings and many things can be learned from it. There are four groups of people and four ways they react when hearing the word of God which is one of the lessons that we get from this parable. The Seed on the Path…

  • Mary Magdalene

    (Luke 8:1-3) One of the great lies and false pieces of information regarding the first disciples in the early church is in relation to Mary Magdalene. The way this woman has been portrayed in popular culture and even in some religious circles is utterly wrong and there is no scriptural justification for the portrayal. How…

  • The Woman Who Was A Sinner

    (Luke 7:36-50) Judgement is a harsh thing, especially when it comes from one who does not have the right to judge. Who in this world is not a sinner? Who in this world is perfect and has the right to judge another? These are the questions and issues that are posed in this event about…

  • Damned If You Do Damned If You Don’t

    (Luke 7:31-35) Sometimes you just can’t win! Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you do you will be damned if you do and damned if you don’t. And that is exactly what Jesus was saying in this section of scripture. You Just Can’t Win The Pharisees and scribes opposed Jesus and judged him for many things.…

  • Jesus and John the Baptist

    (Luke 7:24-30) Who was John the Baptist? There is not much spoken about him and yet Jesus made the comment in this section of scripture saying, “I tell you, among those born of women none is greater than John” (Verse 28) Incredible words for a man we know very little about. When you consider some…

  • He Who Is To Come

    (Luke 7:18-23) John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus if he was, “He who is to come.” Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.” (Acts 19:4) So when John spoke about “He…

  • Raising the Dead

    (Luke 7:7-17) On a number of occasions we see Jesus raising the dead as he did in this section of scripture. The people were astounded at this event for they said, “Fear seized them all; and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and “God has visited his people!” (Verse 16)…

  • The Centurions Slave

    (Luke 7:1-10) Have you ever considered the difference between power and authority? It is possible for a person to have power but no authority, but typically a person who has authority also has power. We see in this section of scripture a discussion of this matter and the importance of recognising the power AND the…