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Category: Luke 16

  • Repentance and Forgiveness

    (Luke 17:3-4) Let’s face it, sin is a problem in the world. In addition we all make mistakes and mess up from time to time. Some people are callous and don’t care, but most people try to find a solution to their mistakes. That is where repentance and forgiveness come into play. Repentance and forgiveness…

  • The Rich Man and Lazarus

    (Luke 16:19-31) This parable is an interesting one for provides an insight into life after death. The rich man and Lazarus gives us several other insights as well including that miracles will not change the hearts and minds of a non-believer. A non-be liver will not accept the truth as we shall see in this…

  • The End of an Age

    (Luke 16:16-18) In this section of scripture Jesus shows us the end of an age. He draws a very distinct line in the sand that separates two periods and also provides a spiritual insight into living in the two ages. These spiritual ages, not physical ones, and the transition from one to the next is…

  • Knowing God’s Will – A Good Rule of Thumb

    (Luke 16:14-15) It is useful to have rules of thumb for many things. They help us to make decisions about matters when there is no other guidance. A rule of thumb according to Wikipedia can be described as, “An easily learned and easily applied procedure for approximately calculating or recalling some value, or for making…

  • You Cannot Serve God and Mammon

    (Luke 16:10-13 – You Cannot Serve God and Mammon) There are several messages in this section of scripture and I will cover only one aspect at this time. Quite a few times I have written about the need to get your priorities right. When Jesus taught this message that you cannot serve God and mammon,…

  • The Dishonest Steward

    (Luke 16:1-9) The parable of the dishonest steward is about the wisdom of this world versus the wisdom of God. It shows us how the people of this world think and behave when caught out in wrongdoing. It is a lesson and a warning for Christians for it contrasts the difference in where the loyalties…