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Category: John 8

  • Blasphemy!

    (John 8:48-59) The sins and the evils that the leaders of the Jews made against Jesus in his day were almost incomprehensible. But the worst of all sins was committed during this conversation. What is the worst sin that can be committed? Murder? Rape? Adultery? No, the worst sin that can be committed and the…

  • Children of God vs. Children of the Devil

    (John 8:39-47) Jesus was in discussion with the leaders of the Jews and teaching the people at the same time. He was showing them there is a distinction between the people of God and others. One thing we must note that many people in the world ignore, there is no middle ground. This is a…

  • The Truth Will Make You Free

    (John 8:31-38) This is a scripture of the Bible that is often quoted. So many, many times I have heard people say, “The truth will make you free.” And it is not just in Christian circles that this is quoted. But how many people know what it is really talking about? How often do the…

  • Are You A Sinner?

    (John 8:23-30) Are you a sinner? That is a question that truly plagues the church at large today. Most people in the church today say that, “I am a sinner, saved by Grace.” But is this correct? Are you really a sinner? Jesus in this section of scripture says to the Jews in verse 24,…

  • Lost!

    (John 8:21-22) What is one of the most frustrating and annoying things that can happen to you? When you lose something and cannot find it. Even though you hunt high and low, the darn thing just cannot be found anywhere. Think about the times you may have misplaced your keys, wallet, cell phone or something…

  • Testifying to the Truth

    (John 8:17-18) One of the key precepts of modern society is the bearing of testimony. It is an ingrained part of the legal system, but also is a big part of day to day life. Advertisers use it, marketers use it, businesses use it and even bloggers use it. It comes in the form of…

  • Jesus Judges No One

    (John 8:13-16) There are some people in this world who believe Jesus came to judge the world and that Christianity is about judgement. They feel this way I presume because many Christians talk about the laws of God, sin and condemnation. However they are wrong for making such assumptions. And Christians who believe they are…

  • Walk in the Light

    (John 8:12) Light! The concept of light is used in many places throughout the Bible. Its application is used in several different ways to explain different teachings. When you think about the properties of light it gives you an insight into what the Lord is teaching us. Light enables us to see, whereas in darkness…

  • The Woman Caught In Adultery – Part 2

    (John 8:1-11) In my previous post I looked at the aspects of legalism that come from this teaching of the woman caught in adultery. Today we should explore the other side of this teaching, for it is a wondrous message and shows how the Lord has taken us from the darkness of that legalistic situation…

  • The Woman Caught In Adultery – Part 1

    (John 8:1-11) This is one of the classic stories and discussion of the New Testament. The story of the woman caught in adultery has been spoken about by so many people, analysed and written about it seems there could be nothing new to take from it. However there is much I believe still to be…