Category: John 19

  • Jesus is Buried

    (John 19:38-42) The events that followed the death of Jesus were interesting as His body was taken for burial. The depth of feeling that the Jewish leaders held against Jesus and those who followed him was evident in the reactions of those who claimed His body. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, who was a ruler…

  • Jesus Dies

    (John 19:31-37) Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in one of his book these words, that God is dead. He was speaking about how the whole idea and concept of God was dead in modern western society. How the premise of atheism has overtaken modern thinking to attempt to destroy all thoughts and actions in society that promote…

  • It Is Finished

    (John 19:23-30) Jesus was nailed up to die. The last few acts that were prophesied concerning His life were completed with the soldiers casting lots for His garments and Him being given a drink of sour wine as He said, “I thirst.” Jesus’ time had come to an end on earth and the stage was…

  • Should the Cross be the Real Symbol of Christianity

    (John 19:17-22) After being judged by Pilate Jesus was handed over to the Jews with a company of soldiers and led away to be put to death. He was loaded up with the beam to which He would be nailed and which he had to cart or drag to the place He would die. To…

  • Jesus Delivered to Pilate

    (John 19:1-16) When Jesus was in the hands of Pilate he was taken out and scourged or whipped by the soldiers. It was at this time that they mocked and spat upon him calling Jesus the King of the Jews and making a crown of thorns to place on his head. Little did they understand…