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Category: Hebrews

  • The Word of God

    (Hebrews 4:12-13 – The Word of God) How powerful is the word of God? Surely it is the most powerful force in existence. It is by the word of God that the Creation as we know it exists and came into being in the first place. God’s word gives us salvation over sin and freedom.…

  • Entering God’s Day of Rest

    (Hebrews 4:9-11 – Entering God’s Day of Rest) Under the Old Testament law of Moses, one of the Ten Commandments said that people were to rest on the Sabbath from all of their labours. The point of this commandment was to benefit man in two ways. First, the commandment provided a break from the daily…

  • Entering God’s Rest

    (Hebrews 4:3-8 – Entering God’s Rest) If there is one thing you can guarantee on this earth it’s that there is no rest. There is the old saying, “There’s no rest for the wicked,” but they’ve got it wrong. There is even less rest for the righteous because the righteous stand in direct opposition to…

  • Faith is the key

    (Hebrews 4:1-2 – Faith is the Key) If there is one point that sticks out in these verses I am looking at today, it is that faith is the key. In the Gospel of salvation, there are many things to be done and believed upon. We need to understand baptism, freedom, why Jesus came, how…

  • Do Not Harden Your Hearts

    (Hebrews 3:15-19 – Do Not Harden Your Hearts) Their is a dire warning in these words. Do not harden your hearts is an important message for all who come to Christ. The opportunity to be hard of heart today is even greater than in the past. There are many scriptures that mention or allude to…

  • Falling Away From God

    (Hebrews 3:12-14 – Falling Away from God) The worst thing that can happen to any Christian is to fall away. Falling away from God basically spells the death of the Christian as they reject all they may have learned and returned to the ways of the world. To do such a thing is a terrible…

  • The Day of the Lord

    (Hebrews 3:7-11 – The Day of the Lord When is the Day of the Lord? You may think it will be the Day of His second coming. Or perhaps the Judgement Day. Or maybe it was in the past, say perhaps the day of His birth, or the day of His resurrection. But the truth…

  • God’s House

    (Hebrews 3:1-6 – God’s House) The house of God is an interesting study in the Bible. It is not what many people believe it to be, including some ministers of the church. This scripture in Hebrews talks about God’s house, explaining what it is, who built it, who worked in it, and more. It is…

  • Overcoming Temptation

    (Hebrews 2:16-18 – Overcoming Temptation) When He was on the earth, Jesus was tempted. He was like any other person on earth and He was tempted just as we are. But unlike the rest of us, Jesus never succumbed to temptation. He understood the keys to overcoming temptation. And as a result He never sinned…

  • Fear of Death

    (Hebrews 2:14-15 – Fear of Death) This scripture gives us a good insight into the death that Jesus went through. It also shows that the reason He died was to set us free from the fear of death. Fear of death is the one thing that affects every person on this earth. Everyone knows that…

  • Suffering for Jesus

    (Hebrews 2:10-13 – Suffering for Jesus) If there is one certainty Christians must remember is that they will be suffering for Jesus. To be a Christian means that there will be suffering. But don’t let that put you off. Suffering without a purpose is painful. But suffering for Christ has both a purpose and a…

  • God’s Plan of Salvation

    (Hebrews 2:1-4 – God’s Plan of Salvation) What is God’s plan of salvation and how does it work? In many places in the Bible, it speaks of this great salvation in terms of a mystery. But it is not mysterious. This is what the scripture says today: 1 Therefore we must pay the closer attention…